快好知 kuaihz

121. A biochemist colleague has kindly provided me with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and enough hydroquinone for 50 bombardier beetles. 122. Invitro, sulphate reducing bacteria compete with methanogenic bacteria for hydrogen when sulphate is present. 123. The gas phase is recycled to the reactor inlet to provide a large excess of hydrogen gas in the catalytic reaction zone. 124. Cyanobacteria still exist today, like the purple sulphur bacteria which glean hydrogen from hydrogen-sulphide to provide sulphur compounds as oxidation products. 125. Subsequent detailed analyses of the motions of the atomic hydrogen gas in the plane supported this proposal. 126. Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria. 127. The unique features for elemental analysis are the direct monitoring of surface hydrogen and the extreme sensitivity to the outermost atomic layers. 128. It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon. 129. Ultraviolet light, hydrogen peroxide and ozone assure crystal-clear, clean water. 130. We found that this chemical process created hydrogen chloride as a by-product. 131. The Soviet Union tested its own hydrogen bomb within a year, and the nuclear arms race escalated further. 132. The remaining neutrons would have decayed into protons, which are the nuclei of ordinary hydrogen atoms. 133. The optimum proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are thus two hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom, exactly the same as in water. 134. There are no main-chain hydrogen bonds to the metal ligand side chains. 135. Hypocapnia causes fewer hydrogen ions to be available for secretion in the renal tubular cell. 136. It is burning hydrogen into helium, like a controlled H-bomb. 137. Driving these cells were the contents of two liquid oxygen tanks and two liquid hydrogen tanks. 138. These micro-refrigerators are commercially available, and avoid the explosion hazard of liquid hydrogen and the expense of liquid helium. 139. The hydrogen gas would be collected within the galls and piped to a central storage system. 140. It is compounded, broadly speaking, of two atoms of hydrogen attached to one of oxygen: H 2 0. 141. In this case the presence of oxygen and hydrogen mixed in the optimum proportions, could well have compounded the effect. 142. Stars are initially formed from gas, mostly hydrogen, and contract under their own gravitational attraction. 143. The newly-developed fuel cell will be powered by hydrogen, extracted from water. 144. The third isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-3 or tritium, is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life. 145. But hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone don't react violently together unless a catalyst is added. 146. Since most of the mass of Uranus air is hydrogen, most of the output from the refrigeration system is liquid hydrogen. 147. Polar ice also would provide hydrogen for rocket fuel and for industrial processes. 148. This process generates short chain fatty acids which are absorbed, and hydrogen and carbon dioxide. 149. In the future it may be possible to convert water to hydrogen on a large scale by electrolysis, for example. 150. The extreme ultraviolet power was only a few watts, but it was adequate to detect molecular hydrogen.