快好知 kuaihz

1. The submersible, hatch open, pitched into the sea. 2. Because most submersible pumps are not designed to cope with solids. 3. The most commonly used pumps are submersible electric ones that pump out water through what looks like a fire hose. 4. Then a submersible pump, concealed in a sump, conveys it back up to a blockwork filter filled with Canterbury spar. 5. Some submersible pumps have a very small discharge and so it is important to judge the water flow required before shopping around. 6. This system is what makes diving in a submersible sound like you are diving in a submersible. 7. Redness lights the interior of the submersible; the glow from dials and video screens reflects softly off the burnished titanium hull. 8. Like a metronome, every five seconds the submersible generates an acoustic tracking pulse at 8. 1 kilohertz. 9. She was the first submersible to dive on the Titanic, which had lain undisturbed on the seabed for seventy-three years. 10. If you could get out of the submersible, you could scoop the animals up by the handful. 11. Installation of a submersible pump is quite simple, for, as described earlier, it is merely placed in the water. 12. As the submersible glides over them, clouds of orange dust rise, swirl about, and slowly drift back down. 13. As I drive over the herd with the submersible, they roll out of the way like tumbleweed before the wind. 14. The submersible rose higher in the dock, the overflowing sea rushing like a tide over their boots. 15. Beehive, another sulfide edifice, is a five-minute submersible ride due west of Moose. 16. Also, there is no portable submersible rotary corer that could do the job. 17. Films taken by a submersible robot established that the ship had sunk as a result of a large explosion. 18. Check if the submersible pump can work. 19. Thank you for your purchasing Yeomans submersible pumps! 20. Drive with submersible motor via coaxial spur gear. 21. The submersible Motor has motor winding thermostats. 22. Sales Kit, diving Motors, submersible pumps. 23. Submersible pumps are at work underwater. 24. Those who have made the trip say that nothing compares to the intimate experience of creeping along the bottom in a submersible. 25. These stones extend down the watercourse, over which water flows with the aid of a simple submersible pump. 26. The ring is attached to the outflow of a submersible pump. 27. The project involves initial drilling and completion of 86 oil and 20 water-injection wells and installing a submersible pump system in each. 28. Farther forward on the main deck from the A-frame is the Alvin hangar, where the submersible is serviced every evening. 29. These two characteristics combined make swimming megalopae easy to spot from the submersible. 30. Mrs Allan used her own funds to hire local divers and a submersible camera crew at a cost of £500 per day.