guerrilla造句61 She did not notice that we had left the age of guerrilla warfare.
62 Over 100 of those killed were paramilitary gendarmes who were stationed in the area to counter Kurdish guerrilla activity.
63 When the guerrilla war ended with the Lancaster House Agreement in 1980, land redistribution was an important promise.
64 Navarro's participation also marginalized the remaining left-wing guerrilla forces, who reportedly impeded voting in some towns.
65 Porlier found his career as a guerrilla general rewarded by posting to a provincial garrison.
66 They also collected some weapons recovered from parishioners and - more important in this mounted guerrilla warfare - they collected several saddles.
67 Over financial fraud, bounty fees, patient intimidation, fees for referrals, guerrilla marketing.
68 Somehow news correspondents covering the administration, including me, never grasped the full extent of the guerrilla war within the administration.
69 The democratic approach inherent in the guerrilla movement would triumph ultimately.
70 The jungle was filled with guerrilla activity and the repression by army troops searching for the subversives.
71 Television stations would be expected to broadcast photographs of guerrilla leaders with offers of rewards for information.
72 Today he is commander in chief of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla army.
73 However, highwaymen and armed guerrilla bands were becoming more numerous, especially along the roads from the seacoast to the capital.
74 The rebels' strategy of guerrilla warfare has been remarkably successful.
75 He told us it was for gouging out guerrilla eyes.
76 In reality guerrilla action was largely indiscriminate with sporadic attacks on the occasional landlord, local official, or police post.
77 Lavender, an intelligent, thoughtful man nearing 40, might have been a guerrilla chief in another war.
78 It was a godsend for the guerrilla gardeners who found the turf easier to strip back.
79 The following day he closed a second army camp near Oventic, another guerrilla stronghold.
80 The Fat Underground then planned several guerrilla theater actions against the diet industry.
81 The enemy cunningly avoided direct confrontation and concentrated on guerrilla warfare.
82 Properties and bank accounts used for laundering guerrilla funds would be confiscated, with bank secrecy laws lifted in order to facilitate investigation.
83 At the same time limited continuation of guerrilla activity would continue indefinitely.
84 At midday six guerrilla fighters arrive to help them from a military base near to their village.
85 The evidence pointed to a sharp decline in guerrilla prowess.
86 Elite Republican Guard troops deployed tanks and heavy artillery against lightly armed guerrilla units.
87 He was later released through Romero's efforts, at which point he joined a guerrilla movement and was killed in combat.
88 The biggest influence, believe it or not, was the Weatherman and crazy left-wing guerrilla spirit of the time.
89 In real life the distinction between sheer brigandage and patriotic guerrilla activities was often blurred.
90 Initial apprehension in Washington and elsewhere that allied troops might get bogged down in a guerrilla war has proved groundless.