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151 We described the parameter declaration of subflow and application, and parameter passing mode. 152 The Shareholders will procure that the Directors first make a declaration of solvency (if applicable). 153 You can send a comma-separated list of arguments of the type specified in the parameter declaration, or an array of arguments of the specified type. 154 Move any statement following the procedure declaration to a subsequent source code line. 155 But Serbian President Boris Tadic immediately denounced the declaration as unilateral and illegal. 156 His heart thumped as he made this audacious declaration , that he almost choked in uttering it. 157 You use a normal declaration statement to declare an object variable. 158 It is certain that the contents of the Joint Declaration will not change. 159 Declaration of intention is the intention representation action that the feason exercise to facilitate the force of law. 160 Use a single space before each namespace declaration, no space on either side of the equals sign, and double quotes around the namespace URI. 161 Such declaration accepting compulsory jurisdiction may exclude certain classes of cases. 162 The last was the 2000 Durban Declaration, which reaffirmed that H.I.V. was the cause of AIDS. 163 Indeed, each summit produced a historic joint declaration on a coordinated international agenda for aviation security. 164 A joint declaration on news conference is expected in the coming hours. 165 Bilateral act has the prior determinative force when both sides agree with each other, and for unilateral act , it just needs declaration of will of one side. 166 Our country criminal law has not refused to report, the false declaration property crime correlation stipulation, is the large amount property which is close with it originates the unclear crime. 167 A top-level module declaration includes the whole file in the module. 168 Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence of the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general international law. 169 In order that the accelerator could know what data should be loaded in each input register, shader declaration is required. 170 An XML parser converts an encoded form of an XML document (the encoding being specified in the XML declaration) to an abstract model representing the information in the XML document. 171 In a local module declaration, only the declarations that are indented under that module declaration are part of the module. 172 The Paris declaration hopes to bring a modicum of order to these directionless crop - growers. 173 Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions (For settlement of sale only) ... 174 After joining in work, I am mainly responsible for the research subject application, academic activity management, achievement declaration and graduate management works. 175 Internal Revenue Service: Export After the declaration, to obtain concessions such as back tax return. 176 With the declaration and implement of amended'Securities Law', the ban on margin trading which had lasted for long time in China was finally cancelled. 177 In its declaration, North Korea will state how much plutonium it possesses. 178 Secondly, each path expression in the SQL/XML query requires a separate namespace declaration. 179 The last row of the structure table ( Table 2) lists those elements that occur as subsidiaries to particular instruction or declaration elements. 180 The resolution stopped short of an outright declaration of independence.