快好知 kuaihz

(121) We don't allow smoking in our house. (122) Children often take up smoking because of peer pressure. (123) Teachers should discourage their students from smoking and drinking. (124) He has quit smoking for more than ten years. (125) Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. (126) She's stopped smoking, and a good job too! (127) Smoking is frowned upon in many restaurants. (128) There is no smoking allowed anywhere on school premises. (129) Parents should discourage their children from smoking. (130) The doctor forbids him smoking and drinking. (131) Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease. (132) As soon as he saw the mark "No smoking",he butted the cigarette. (133) When children start smoking, they don't realize that they're risking their health. (134) The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease. (135) Most young smokers are influenced by their friends' and older siblings' smoking habits. (136) The upper/top deck of the bus was always full of people smoking. (137) If I catch you smoking again, you're grounded. Do I make myself clear ? (138) Knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has led to a modification in smoking behaviour. (139) Two heart attacks in a year. It hasn't stopped him smoking, though. (140) Turn off that stove — you're smoking the place out! (141) One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive. (142) The woman who entered the smoking car soon discovered that she was in the wrong box. (143) Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems. (144) Smoking while somebody else is eating is not the done thing. (145) Cold-turkeying cigarette smoking can only be done by a man of will. (146) His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking. (147) She expostulate with her husband about his habit of smoking in bed. (148) Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking. (149) Doctors keep trying to break him of smoking the drug. (150) Learning that smoking has done harm to his lung, Tom now wants to kick.