sales price造句31. Also, worsening price wars cause sales price to drop overover.
32. Economic housing is policy commodity housing with welfare that the government provides preferential policies for and limits construction standard and sales price.
33. This table shows the sales price and estimated value of pirated software sold on underground economy servers monitored by Symantec.
34. The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol, company name, high sales price, and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2.
35. Sales price to power network is basic element of power market.
36. Result OSR economic limits decrease with the increase of oil sales price, recovery rate production rate.
37. These substantial evidences analysis includes following three aspects:First, this paper built one simultaneous equation model of Shanghai City commercial housing sales price.
38. The department store will take off an additional 20 percent off the sales price.
39. The reporter also detected this kind of apple at a large supermarket, the sales price was a 68 kyat per.
40. On this basis, together with the profit part, the result is the final sales price.
41. Obviously, current raw material price is not in reasonable ratio with the sales price.