deregulation造句(31) Similarly, pressures from certain sectors within the financial services industry itself have pushed towards deregulation.
(32) A similar package of stabilisation, privatisation and deregulation policies was pioneered by Margaret Thatcher.
(33) The securities firm, after deregulation of the financial services industry, was moving from a product to a service focus.
(34) Even before deregulation, the Teamster employers could seem like gypsies.
(35) The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation, consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.
(36) Hence, the Reagan urban policy celebrates the themes of deregulation, decentralization and privatization.
(37) On health and safety issues, however, deregulation has been an unmitigated disaster.
(38) But the most dramatic by far of the failures of deregulation involved the savings and loans.
(39) The climate of deregulation made it necessary to remove restrictions on the ability of building societies to compete in financial markets.
(40) A lot of local councils and a lot of private industry under deregulation are now turning to the buses.
(41) The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share.
(42) The deregulation of long-distance coach services has led to a major expansion in reliable and cheap services.
(43) Amongst the industries most affected by deregulation have been those involved in innovatory technological activity.
(44) The national broadcasting organisations have been threatened by deregulation which has encouraged the growth of private satellite and cable channels.
(45) My next point also stems from this underlying tendency of the reforms to produce fragmentation and deregulation.
(46) Also should prevent deregulation to close more contract cost.
(47) This translates into deregulation and privatization.
(48) Deregulation of US airlines results in fierce competition and price - cut.
(49) B second group of critics focuses on deregulation in finance, rather than the economy a whole.
(50) This paper, beginning with the economic characteristics of natural monopoly industry, expounds the reasons of deregulation in natural monopoly industry.
(51) The main points of the paper are as follows:core bank is a baby during its development of universal banks, while universal banks are definite results of financial innovations and deregulation.
(52) He also said his government would take a gradual approach to deregulation of cross - Strait economic ties.
(53) Sky-high fuel prices and weak global economic sentiment are likely to offset gains from cross-Strait deregulation.
(54) Encouraged by Deng Xiaoping, China decided to "run the gauntlet" on price deregulation again in 1992.
(55) NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the , and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
(56) It analyzes the problems of deregulation of access right, introduction of efficient competition structure, regulated price based on reasonable cost and the diversification of investors.
(57) They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation.
(58) From ill-considered deregulation of banking and derivatives to over-the-top encouragement of home ownership, Washington's fingerprints were all over the crisis.
(59) The electric power deregulation has led electric power enterprises very difficult to do integrated resources planning(IRP) because generation, transmission and distribution were to be unbundled.
(60) The big drivers: deregulation, debt, and a hollowed out American economy.