immense造句181. He is under immense pressure to freeze benefit increases in the coming year for the jobless, the infirm, and pensioners.
182. The fact that it doesn't cause you immense emotional pain doesn't mean you're not committed to it.
183. Perhaps we are born with an immense desire for knowledge, which can be obtained from books.
184. The discovery that the budget was short by $9 million caused immense problems.
185. This ensures that the pilot does not use the immense power of hydraulically operated controls to over-stress the structure of his aeroplane.
186. He showed immense physical courage in fighting the illness which left him unable to walk again unaided.
187. I thoroughly recommend it as of immense value to students at every level.
188. Which came first and why should there be such an immense variety?
189. Petra Arroyos found immense pleasure in books and wanted her grandchildren to share that joy.
190. There is an immense amount of space, an intoxicating amount.
191. At the same time, if governing poses few political problems, its administrative problems are immense.
192. In high spirits, his father was talking about the immense advances made in forensic science in recent years.
193. Immense carmine portraits of Marx, Engels and Lenin were hoisted as witnesses and validators of the pageant.
194. The sky was so immense it swallowed the landscape, but the land swallowed up the provenance of the sky.
195. I was also gratified by the immense good will and friendship towards Britain which I encountered on all sides.
196. In either case, its initialling at Maastricht by Heads of Government on 10 December 1991 was an event of immense importance.
197. Each fragment's immense kinetic energy was transform into heat.
198. The porch is supported by six immense pillars.
199. He took the book, to Paul's immense chagrin, and began the copying himself.
200. And so the Greek cities showed immense powers of absorption.
201. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.
202. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.
203. We are not in this to reap immense financial rewards.
204. Operating on the borderline of superconductivity and ordinary conductivity, they produce immense amplification.
205. I'd seen it before in people who held immense power.
206. The great vault brightened, like the dome of an immense lamp.