cache造句121 Due to low memory conditions or administrative modification of the cache size via the admin console, the cache might (temporarily) be configured such that it never caches data at all.
122 The portlet window itself can decide at render time whether its output is cacheable or not, and under which cache scope.
123 Best performance is obtained using fast disks with write caching; i.e. those that can cache I/Os to memory in the disk subsystem and guarantee that they will be written to the disk media eventually.
124 As an additional performance improvement, the cache does conflation on these dirty records.
125 In JCS, no test cache method is defined for simply testing for a cached item's existence.
126 The database state cache was already initialized in the extended stored procedure.
127 It is the largest cache of intelligence information gotten from a senior terrorist that we know of.
128 If prompted to add the host key to the cache click the Yes button.
129 But even a single application will derive some benefit in startup time if it's using a shared class cache.
130 This article explains how to configure and use JCS to cache data for your Web applications.
131 Files are placed in the cache until the cache is full.
132 Couldn't find image of correct URL, size, background, etc. in cache XX.
133 Saving yourself the time and effort in trying to recreate the cache should be a design goal when preloading is being considered.
134 Effective cache mechanism can avoid round trip time to database, avoid calculations which occupying much time, save server resource, as well as improving the response time and waiting time.
135 Method Two : Repair Local Area Connection, to clear the DNS cache purposes.
136 Also, to make a resource request cacheable, you need to explicitly set the cache control information on the response so that the portal can generate caching headers.
137 An SPE's instruction-fetches and load and store instructions access its private LS rather than shared main storage; the LS has no associated cache.
138 The numbered, it reflects various characteristics such as smoothness of engraving, the amount of memory cache, frequency of buses required[http://], or clock speed.
139 When a differently bound component uses the same resource name, it will not receive the resource it is bound to; it will receive the resource in the cache, which is the first component's resource.
140 For single drives this could greatly reduce performance but with a properly battery-backed RAID card with cache, the impact may not be as severe.
141 This defines the path to cache directory , cache directory name, type and size the cache area.
142 Another JVM launched using a shared class cache that has been populated with AOT code during previous invocations of Java programs, can use the AOT code stored in the cache to reduce startup time.
143 Entries for the dentry cache are allocated from the dentry_cache slab allocator and use a least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm to prune entries when memory pressure exists.
144 Warm start-up, where portions of Java are already resident in the disk cache, has been reasonable in Java for some time - a typical application taking around 2-3 seconds to launch.
145 If information is specific to a single instance, a local cache is fine, as you can always re-create it if the instance stops functioning.
146 This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocol ( ARP ) cache.
147 In addition, cache using double dual ports RAM is used to save process time and other resource of CPU, we use LPC2106 cored by ARM as CPU.
148 An evictor removes entries older than 30 minutes to prevent staleness and limiting the size of the cache.
149 It becomes a hot spot of research activities to propose new cache and memory control mechanisms and policies in order that processor-memory gap will be decreased.
150 Due to the latency difference between main memory and on-chip memory cache, POWER7 was designed with three levels of on-chip cache (see Figure 1).