feeding造句91 Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
92 Just occasionally the tensions spilled over, such as when she berated Moira publicly about the way she was feeding her first child.
93 His feeding frenzy exhausted, he was torpid, unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze.
94 This impaired breeding activity and led to a complete ban on artificial feeding.
95 However, feeding is critical and soldiers who are unfed can't fight, indeed after about forty-eight hours they fall over!
96 The student had formed a relationship with the rabbits she could reach and accompanied their feeding with petting and talking to them.
97 Who was feeding him or even letting him loose on occasions?
98 Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
99 The Everglades kite in Florida picks up snails and carries them off to a feeding perch.
100 The ash seeds will probably again attract finch flocks, but I have not seen the squirrels feeding on them.
101 Birds become quieter in the afternoon, while butterflies and other insects are more active, feeding on the opened flowers.
102 In one feeding centre the room for the dead had become a Koranic school for young children.
103 I share at least half the household duties, including feeding and caring for the baby while my partner works and plays.
104 Dietary supplements are seldom indicated; tube feeding or parenteral nutrition are rarely necessary and should be avoided.
105 Farther down the cove hundreds of periwinkles move slowly over the black rocks, feeding on kelp.
106 Tundra and high northern moorland, feeding mainly on lemmings and birds the size of Ptarmigan and Oystercatcher.
107 Do not overfeed, and systematize your feeding to save the lives of your fish.
108 To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.Ronald Reagan
109 Frequent feeding is the key to producing good offspring, assuming they inherit the potential from their parents.
110 Feeding techniques: fish Most marine fish feed continuously during their active period.
111 Gradually I descended the spruce tree and slowly crept toward the feeding birds.
112 Good Friday is about punks at Hastings, where I lived for many years, seen feeding a hot-cross bun to pigeons.
113 There is also considerable scope for informed speculation about the feeding mechanisms among the extinct agnathans.
114 An old man was out feeding the gulls in his carpet slippers.
115 Animation would become an international industry, with cartoonists based around the world feeding their sequences to the Hollywood headquarters for assembly.
116 Trapping is a method which meets with limited success and involves feeding within a specialised wire cage for a period of time.
117 Just get a rhythm going with the steel, and start feeding the green stuff under the blade.
118 While feeding the meter I had a sudden blank on whether my meter was in front or behind my car.
119 Feeding all the chicks equally in a poor season might well lead to all of them dying for lack of adequate nourishment.
120 The glacier feeding the fjord starts to melt at this time of year.