customary造句61. Carlson felt it unnecessary to return the customary military salute.
62. The customary horse-drawn carriages will be running throughout, and downtown galleries will be wide open to visitors.
63. Gambling and crowd disorder was customary but there is no question that Clarke and his boys were missionaries.
64. These serial bilateral relationships are created both by treaties and the operation of rules of customary international law.
65. The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.
66. The Prince took his customary place before the plain white marble fireplace.
67. It is an ethical or moral judgment in the sense that ethos and mores refer to the customary practices of a group.
68. The harp was brought to her and she took her customary seat by the huge fireplace in the north wall.
69. She thrust the customary tip towards the croupier with a slip of paper wrapped around a plaque.
70. The customary toasts will be cheered with soft drinks which will wash down a modest buffet of sausage rolls and sandwiches.
71. It was not customary for boys at school to attack their masters rudely even in debate.
72. In fact, of course, much of this material bore only a tenuous similarity to its genuinely customary counterparts.
73. The purpose of the supper forgotten by the Corinthians, customary social convention prevailed and divisions resulted.
74. He had disbursed more than was customary with him on the hotel where they had spent the night.
75. The retirement condition encouraged an end to workforce participation on a massive scale and established arbitrary ages as the customary retirement ages.
76. Anything that deviates from what is customary is going to raise questions among the peer group.
77. Despite these problems, two-thirds of the children consider the residential street to be safer than the customary street with pavement.
78. According to community workers the police show little of their customary vigour in the hunt for assailants after attacks like this.
79. Otton hitched on to this ride and had so much fun that he managed to stave off the customary platoon with Kyle Wachholtz.
80. Some early petitions in 1788 to the Commons on the slave trade came from county meetings held in customary county meeting places.
81. They argued that the use of atomic weapons violated both conventional and customary international law.
82. Stephen did not stop at the customary place, where they were to meet Lucy, but is proceeding down river.
83. He set about making a longbow with his customary craftsmanship.
84. Such appointments are customary for presidents, although most have broader academic credentials than Bulger.
85. It is customary to print foreign words in italics, so that the name of an organism is usually underlined or italicised.
86. The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting.
87. A customary error committed by aquarists is to cling to the opinion that the Aponogeton species do not require a rich soil.
88. It is not customary to find any detail relating to these indexical features of the speaker in transcriptions by discourse analysts.
89. With customary caution, he is keeping his options open while the issue is still in the political incubator.
90. Dulles did more than make the customary recommendations that the policies of the colonial powers keep abreast of local political aspirations.