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211, Dorcas organized younger nomes to digging drainage trenches and rigged up a few of the big light bulbs for heat. 212, He and some friends were working the mine, digging out turquoise. 213, They toiled all day digging the trench. 214, He is digging up the fact. 215, Is digging nostril nose bright or hand bright? 216, In a reenactment scene, workers digging inside a canal. 217, After some digging, Marriott came across records which showed the Nord Deutsche Line, a German merchant vessel group, had a ship called the Reiher docked at the time of the murders. 218, So scientists did some digging, literally, to investigate. They found a particularly hearty methanogen called named Methanosarcina barkeri, or just M. barkeri, that can survive at low pH levels. 219, In the construction of retaining wall with steep slope grade, manual hole digging piles are adopted in combination with reverse working for ramming reinforced concrete wall panel. 220, Harry was digging up potatoes while George was picking plums. 221, A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in. 222, African Alexandrite is typically located in wet regions near rivers and mined by digging through river beds by hand to unearth the Alexandrite rich pegmatite rock. 223, If you're not a computer tinkerer, and you're not willing to do research and digging, it may not be for you. 224, Matt Grainger, an Oxfam spokesman and co-author of the Uganda report, faults New Forests and its investors for not digging deeper into the project. 225, How do you stop a monster from digging up your garden? 226, Five or six years ago, Chicago was still digging out from its old reputation among the Chinese as the home of Al Capone and Michael Jordan. 227, Nobody in Detroit was digging for the real story behind Renaissance Center. 228, A group of farmers are digging up the root crop cassava. 229, Niobe: These geotherms confirm the last transmission of the Osiris. The machines are digging. Theyre boring from the surface straight down to Zion. 230, But I'm not digging his new idea that our youthful hijinks, often frozen in the amber of the interwebs,[www.] wouldn't matter so much if we would all just change our names whenever we wanted! 231, The U. S. is the world's largest debtor nation and only digging itself in deeper. 232, While, exposed to the substrate of diestrous female, LD and SD male did not differ in the behavior of sniffing and digging. 233, Holidaymakers are digging deep into their pockets to book late summer breaks. 234, Grant moved forty thousand men to a point ten kilometers from Vicksburg. He told the men to put down their guns and take up digging tools. 235, Rescue crews have been digging people out of collapsed buildings. 236, He is working for a landscape gardener because he is good at digging holes. 237, Alas, that will not involve laboriously digging up lots of roads. 238, Something like digging a pond, drilling a well, or building a berm may only provide a small benefit, but it’s a benefit that will persist for years — potentially for generations. 239, In the end, the key components such as cyclone separator , circulating ash returning equipment, air distributor, firing device, observing window, gate for digging up the dreg are designed. 240, In fact, I had been digging away at the law almost without cessation for many years.