快好知 kuaihz

31. Cars and motorcycles had been confiscated or were rusting away useless for lack of parts. 32. A federal judge will decide whether the miles should be considered as assets and confiscated under forfeiture laws. 33. Together the two confiscated property provisions are aimed at discouraging foreign investors from purchasing such property from the cash-strapped Castro government. 34. They declared the video to be obscene, confiscated it and imposed an on-the-spot fine on my friend. 35. The offending picture was confiscated and Professor Jones was mauled for permitting its exhibition. 36. Confiscated boats and planes could be used by law enforcement agencies and seized money used to train and better equip the forces. 37. I wondered if I should have confiscated the duplicate licenses while I had the chance. 38. The box was confiscated by the governing body's technical department to undergo investigation this week. 39. The King's displeasure with the two counties was marked by the order that all church bells be confiscated. 40. Anyone caught selling tickets at a place of public assemblage is subject to having the tickets confiscated by police. 41. We could equip them with two-way radios, but they would be confiscated at road checks. 42. But 2 have now been confiscated from foreign visitors after fights in Oxford in the past eleven days. 43. An increasing number of guns have been confiscated in schools recently. 44. The station has been converted to burn confiscated marijuana which has been piling up in the warehouses of the local police forces. 45. One day she had confiscated his ties and replaced them with a whole new set. 46. Lots more were nets confiscated from poachers at various times, nets of all colours, lengths and mesh sizes. 47. On Jan. 9, officials confiscated a large residential dumpster caked with dried blood on the inner sides and bottom. 48. The factory was confiscated as enemy property after the war and in 1947 Ettore Bugatti died. 49. Your vehicle can be confiscated if you are transporting marijuana. 50. Advertisers luring people into heavier and heavier reliance on cleansing products would be prosecuted and their bank accounts confiscated. 51. Properties and bank accounts used for laundering guerrilla funds would be confiscated, with bank secrecy laws lifted in order to facilitate investigation. 52. Marchers who had cameras were forced to surrender their film, Fiim was also confiscated at the police station from those arrested. 53. They are now in Lake County jail with bail set at $ 30, 000 each, and their weapons were confiscated. 54. Political parties are trying to claim back property confiscated more than 60 years ago, and political prisoners are demanding financial compensation. 55. But Garcia said the 26 or 28 weapons confiscated were purchased in local gun shops and registered in his name. 56. The prosecution's evidence consisted of statements allegedly extracted under torture, and confiscated literature. 57. In 1918 his stock was confiscated, but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned. 58. Teachers called in police, who confiscated the vials and sent them to state laboratories for analysis. 59. One of the bureaucrats had cleaned the fish - Trent's fishing-knife had been confiscated by Pedro Gomez. 60. Later the law was amended so that profits from such activities could be confiscated.