occasions造句91 Graduation Day is one of those big occasions when everyone wants a souvenir photograph.
92 I have already had several occasions to remark that binary oppositions are, in Derrida's phrase, violent hierarchies.
93 Wild Angels have bred in the tank quite happily on numerous occasions.
94 She could certainly bubble over on Occasions but it was never a one-woman show.
95 He is a fair-minded bloke on occasions - at least he has been to me.
96 The company secretarial department of the firm can and have acted in this role on occasions.
97 A young man was beaten on two occasions but never arrested for anything.
98 Too much need not be made of this, and the Roman calendar will suffice for all but the quite rarest occasions.
99 And on most of the occasions when they had been alone together he hadn't let a chance slip by.
100 Inevitably occasions will arise when this choice faces all working nurses who have young children.
101 Two of the T-Birds will be kept in airworthy condition for the Museo do Ar, flying on special occasions only.
102 On both occasions the solicitor had acted without authority and the transactions were frauds on the bank.
103 Chilperic and Guntram united against him, but Sigibert forced Guntram to abandon the alliances on two occasions.
104 Such occasions arise with the use of it and there.
105 But Ben Macdhui has been known to give walkers more than they bargained for on several occasions.
106 The result was a bitter disappointment for Wimbledon who could have scored on three occasions in the first half.
107 A valuation may on occasions be necessary because of the interaction of holdover relief and other capital gains tax reliefs.
108 Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions, through the agency of old sausages, slow-punctured tyres, rusty blades.
109 When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness.Bob Hope
110 But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly.
111 There are reasonable approximations of bicarbonate and alkali secretion for each subject on separate occasions.
112 On occasions when talking about the case[/occasions.html], I have been asked what advice I would have given to Profumo.
113 Encourage anyone who wishes to help at mealtimes. Aim to make mealtimes and refreshment breaks social occasions.
114 Agents say they met on numerous occasions with Earp in his office in the boiler room.
115 On these occasions the children, suitably primed, could be paraded before their admiring parents.
116 On some occasions, a kid goat was also offered as atonement for the sins of the Hebrews.
117 In her spare time she makes and decorates cakes of different shapes and sizes for all occasions.
118 Occasions arise when there is no time for niceties, and Schubert was usually to the fore at such times.
119 Between then and 1872 Millend was advertised for sale by auction on several occasions.
120 On both occasions, he won court appeals that returned him to office.