快好知 kuaihz

61. A city of southwest Okinawa, Japan, in the Ryukyu Islands on the East China Sea. It is a port and the commercial center of the islands. Population, 303, '80. 62. Ernie Pyle, in one of his last dispatches from Okinawa, described how the First Division's Navajos had put on a ceremonial dance before leaving for Okinawa. 63. She has a better chance than most of becoming a centenarian because Okinawa is one of the world's hotspots for longevity. 64. Our most recently deceased centenarian in Okinawa caught a cold and died in her sleep. 65. The oxygen isotype method was used to test the hydrothermal chimney and sulfide samples collected from the Mariana Island Arc, the Mariana Trough, the Okinawa Trough and the Galapagos Rift. 66. To blue-water war-fighters, all eager to point out that nobody has engaged in a contested landing since Okinawa or Inchon, China's amphibious platforms are insignificant. 67. The Star - spangled Banner floating above the base of the U.S. Air force in Okinawa.