gibberish造句31. That speech was gibberish.
32. The data looks like gibberish to a snooper as it travels from your computer to a secure server before it is blasted onto the Internet.
34. By the time we arranging the furniture, Tom was yelling gibberish in the other room, belligerent.
35. But we immediately see this for what it is: theory - free gibberish, and model - less nonsense.
36. Once, after seeing an opera, Andersen came home and began to reenact the scenes, making up his own gibberish language.
37. The crap I went through to get that, and it's total gibberish.
38. Flushed with his impassioned gibberish, he saw himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization.
39. To a lot of computer experts character, this is gibberish.
40. This anarchic story is told in grunts, howls or simple gibberish.
41. Plenty of lovingly calculated business indicators are irrelevant, gibberish, nonsensical, or just plain wrong.