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121. Objective To observe the effects of Penehyclidine hydrochloride as premedicant on neuromuscular blockade of Atracurium. 122. She also led the campaign to end the US economic blockade of Russia. 123. In response, the British- and American-led Berlin Airlift ferried by air some 13,000 tons of food daily, until Stalin lifted the blockade in May 1949. 124. In addition to GABAB receptor, activation of GABAA receptor benzodiazepine binding site and blockade of GABA uptake change the activity of globus pallidus by prolonging the duration of GABA current. 125. "There must be guarantees to ensure Israel will not breach this package, including halting the aggression, lifting the blockade and opening the crossings, " said Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas adviser. 126. In 2009 China ended a quarantine blockade around a remote northwestern town hit by pneumonic plague. 127. It's not yet clear who will actually enforce the blockade. 128. Blockade of vidian nerve (B. V. N ), Which is used in treatment of epiphora by means of inhibiting or decreasing tear secretion, is new explore in the ophthalmology. 129. After total autonomic blockade, the intrinsic sinus rhythm in athletes is slower than in non-athletes, indicating that sinus bradycardia is not only the result of vagal hypertonia. 130. The Serbs tightened their blockade around Sarajevo , and their snipers began firing on innocent children again. 131. The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks , whalebone stays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear. 132. The study aimed to analyze the effects of renin - angiotensin - system ( RAS ) blockade on renal endothelial function. 133. Cyproheptadine, the 5-HT antagonist, was able to selectively blockade the excitatory effect of 5-HT on the fluke, and a similar effect was observed in mammalian animals. 134. Following administration of an epidural or spinal anesthetic, the patient should demonstrate the ability to void. This provides evidence that residual sympathetic blockade has dissipated. 135. A naval unit within two tiles of a port city will blockade its harbor, which cuts off its trade route. 136. After intense diplomacy, Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman convinced Moldovan and Greek authorities not to allow the ship to sail to Gaza in defiance of the Israeli naval blockade. 137. Surprised, she realized that keeping physically busy is the most effective blockade against totally mental activity human beings can erect . 138. The court made the ruling after the Foreign Press Association mounted a legal challenge to Israel's media blockade. 139. In her online jottings, Ms Sanchez talks angrily of how the daily hardships of life under Cuban communism were invariably blamed on America and its economic blockade. 140. Although epidural anesthesia is a common practice in neuraxial blockade, difficult access to the epidural space is a frequent problem in operating theaters. 141. Mr Assange said Wikileaks must "aggressively fundraise in order to fight back against this blockade and its proponents". 142. On the other hand , it may represent a direct vasodilator action unrelated to cholinergic blockade. 143. In Gaza, the continued Israeli economic blockade played a key role in preventing maintenance and construction of sewage and water projects. 144. Allends charged that the United States was imposing an economic blockade against Chile. 145. At aDay rally , Allends charged that the United States was imposing an economic blockade against Chile. 146. Ironically, the model of the Devastator, Darth Vader's ship, was smaller than the Rebel blockade runner it was chasing. 147. The United States since the 1950s hostile to Cuba, broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961, the following year began implementation of a comprehensive policy of economic blockade. 148. It represented as military intervention, economic blockade and political subversion to Soviet Union Socialism before World War Two. 149. The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire. 150. Objective:To investigate the effect of low-dose ketamine in prevent neurotonic reaction in thyroidotomy with cervical plexus blockade.