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211 Objective To evaluate the clinical results of cataract removal through micro incision bimanual phcoemulsification and implantation of the thinOptX intraocular lens (IOL). 212 As a new type device, the micro thermoelectric devices have been used as cooler, generator and sensor. 213 It mainly consists of micro - controller, LCD display module, keypad, communication module, and so on. 214 It carries the micro - processor control signal or " interface signals ". 215 A macro and micro mechanics model is presented based on the relation between macroscopic and microscopic stress and strain fields, in which composite macroscopic stress strain relation is obtained. 216 Micro computer processor to ensure the setting of the bag length without changing any parts.Please counter,bag length, packing speed indicator are the part of the function. 217 PZT micro -force sensors were calibrated by bimorph and electronic balance in static state and by bimorph and charge amplifier in dynamic state, small signal was tested by amplifier. 218 This paper presents a successful combination of photo film for taking hi-quality aerial photographs, with CCD cameras for achieving TV command guidance in a Micro Air Remote Sensing System(MARSS). 219 Main products are high - pressure micro - mist humidifier, laser printers, plotter accessories. 220 Micro Inertial Measurement Unit(MIMU) which made up of micro inertial sensors gives a great progress in the miniaturization and micromation of inertial instrument. 221 An A/D conversion method based on a micro differential principle is presented. 222 Although ICM just look like the fund management in the firm on the micro level, it displays the same financial functions as External Capital Market (ECM), such as stock market, bank system etc. 223 The theory about micro - instability and turbulence in magnetized plasmas is dissertated in some detailed. 224 Keywords: micro - gyroscope , silicon single crystal, three - axis angular - rate sensing, natural frequency and mode shapes. 225 A micro altimeter was developed for use in micro air vehicles ( MAVs ). 226 Granite greenstone - hosted , meta - clastics - hosted , volcanics - subvolcanics hosted and sedimentary rock - hosted micro - disseminated gold deposits are of industrial value. 227 Determinated micro - sulfur of potassium fluotantalate, Sensitivity of combustion - conductance method is 0. 228 The frequency response may also be controlled by a low voltage micro sized varicap, or a varactor diode, and instantiated as a tuned, resonant matching filter network residing with the antenna module. 229 To solve this problem, a micro photovoltaic system was fulfilled and integrated with the sensor node to develop an autonomous self-powered micro system. 230 This micropump drafts the liquids into the inlet by the capillary force, then ejects them based on the digital micro fluidic technology. 231 Configurable for standard RS-232 output port, and then send measuring results to micro printers and computers. 232 Collecting ring is a key part in micro motor. It is widely used in revolution transformer and autosyn. The injection quality of the part relates to the property and life span of motor. 233 It uses micro - electronics, telecommunication networks and fiber optics to do what you want. 234 The hardness, surface morphology and adhesion were analyzed and examined respectively by micro - sclerometer , scanning electron microscope and lever style omnipotence intension test machine. 235 The top-level design of micro turbine Jet - engine is presented in the paper. 236 The following processes can reduce the sludge production, such as membrane bioreactor, ozonization , micro organism p... 237 In the condition of oil wet, the micro - residual oil exists in block like dendrite - residual oil forms. 238 Its business covers network communication, computer system integration, surface mounting technology, printed circuit boards, electricity meters, micro motors, and high frequency devices. 239 The micro structures and tensile properties of HSLA steel in different relaxation time were studied. 240 The micro / macro distinction is also important with respect to the conceptual origin of behavioral relations.