快好知 kuaihz

1. He was burdened with crippling debts. 2. Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases. 3. He was stricken at twenty-one with a crippling malady. 4. A crippling attack of malaria kept him in bed for months. 5. The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms. 6. The new cuts will be seen as a crippling blow for people on low incomes. 7. Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world. 8. Fines were also imposed and crippling fines were threatened. 9. But what causes this crippling complaint? 10. No crippling Whitewater developments or unpleasant October surprises appeared. 11. He has ordered a crippling interest rate rise this week if the Pound comes under renewed pressure. 12. Furthermore, expanding prison populations have crippling consequences for prison regimes. 13. These protests were added to a series of crippling miners' strikes which had begun in early March. 14. Every soldier in the field saw crippling and horrid injuries, and one can imagine the impact that had. 15. Alzheimer's disease is one of the most crippling and distressing diseases of the elderly. 16. The blow was so crippling because confidence had already taken quite a few knocks. 17. Wheelchair-bound since childhood because of a crippling bout with polio, Pomus died in 1991. 18. Both democracy and the modern corporation had dealt crippling blows. 19. High interest rates are crippling and an unstable economy can produce them at any time. 20. It was a mammoth and indeed crippling undertaking and by the end of the Darius reign the vast empire was in decline. 21. May 1983 Mental Health Many women refugees suffer from acute mental health problems, most particularly crippling depressions and anxieties. 22. Brave Gail Devers was suffering from Graves Disease but it took doctors two years to diagnose the crippling thyroid illness. 23. Where we followed his lead-particularly in low-income housing-we often had the opposite effect, crippling community-based organizations. 24. A leadership style that has made her a remarkably effective prime minister would be a crippling liability in the White House. 25. The sharply increased volume of traffic increased the opportunities for profits, but also for crippling losses. 26. Most of the surrounding marshland had fallen to the crippling infection. 27. Most notably, it bans firms from frustrating a bidder by crippling themselves with debt or swallowing poison pills. 28. In some areas of the Black Triangle, ten per-cent of all live births resulted in infants with crippling birth defects. 29. The concentrated pathos of her narration, and the clarity with which she conveys its crippling effects on Blanche, is breathtaking. 30. Now those landowners have become greedy and demand high rents - and we help to exploit the peasants by levying crippling taxes.