course of action造句91. The best course of action is to speak with your child's pediatrician.
92. The IAEA Board of Governors will meet in special session February 2 on what course of action to take against Iran.
93. He said the only course of action is to halt the tallying.
94. Your course of action therefore needs to be identified empirically.
95. He was racking his brains for a course of action.
96. No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.
97. Officials in Dublin are holding talks with European Union and International Monetary Fund representatives to reach a course of action to solve the current debt crisis.
98. Immoderately adhering to a belief, fashion, or course of action; extreme.
99. Whatever they choose as a course of action is done out in the open without a measure of deviousness.
100. Free riding is common, but I don't want to spoil the atmosphere with strict rules and enforcement mechanisms. What course of action would you recommend?
101. I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.
102. Surely the best course of action would be to draw up an agreement with your lawyer.
103. Surely the best course of action will be to draw up an agreement with your lawyer.
104. " Let's get a move on and decide on a course of action!
105. It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but — ahem — perhaps a trifle risky in practice.
106. Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again.
107. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; volition.