快好知 kuaihz

(1) A toothache racked my jaw. (2) She suffered tortures from a toothache. (3) I have a toothache. (4) His face was swollen with toothache. (5) I've had toothache all day. (6) A serious toothache is an intense pain. (7) He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache. (8) He gets irritable when he's got toothache. (9) I had terrible toothache all last night. (10) Her face swelled with the toothache. (11) My toothache has hung on for a month. (12) I've got terrible toothache. (13) I've got a toothache. (14) I've had toothache on and off for a couple of months. (16) But a toothache can be a singularly uncomfortable experience. (17) A pain like the worst toothache clutched her vitals. (18) One day the aunt had the most terrible toothache. (19) A toothache would be a better experience. (20) Or what if he gets a toothache or needs an appendectomy or is bringing some incurable tropical disease over here with him? (21) A kind of toothache shot down my spine and into my right leg whenever I took a step. (22) The dentist can not see my toothache, only my ailing tooth. (23) They tell me he's got toothache and tummy ache from eating too many sweets. (24) The violent toothache has been moderating. (25) His face swell up with the toothache. (26) Can Chinese rhubarb, chrysanthemum treat toothache? (27) I had just enough sense to appreciate that as a pain it rated no higher than a toothache. (28) There would be no Felipe to spring to her aid when she had an accident or a toothache. (29) She was even more miserable later because almost as soon as she arrived in her room she started to have toothache. (30) Sometimes during a science test, his head would snap up as quickly as if he had a sudden toothache.