temptation造句91 But the biggest challenge many entrepreneurs face is the temptation to go off-track.
92 Can I restrict myself to low stocking levels - resisting temptation?
93 It would also remove any temptation for in-laws to interfere in a marriage in the hope of enhancing their own parental dividends.
94 This may be the only way of escaping from the temptation of continuing perpetual agricultural subsidy in one guise or another.
95 Any temptation to idealise the life of a ninth-century peasant should be resisted.
96 This wish for martyrdom would be a temptation dealt with in Murder in the Cathedral.
97 Nor does it yield to the temptation to manipulate performance and financial data in a way that obscures hard truths.
98 The temptation to blame other people for normal human problems is natural.
99 The best way is to work out a weekly budget and avoid the temptation to splurge out at the beginning of term.
100 Others steered clear of temptation, like singer Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate.
101 Not to give in to temptation, nomatterwhat form it takes.
102 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems.
103 Now their fragile consciences had the crutch of an externally imposed defence against future temptation.
104 You might take tea in the rarefied surroundings of Eickhof, a cafe of quite overwhelming temptation for cake-lovers.
105 The temptation to let go was strongly compelling and had a good argument to back it up.
106 Now that they had been made aware of their behavior, many promised to make the effort to resist the temptation.
107 But when her muzzle was dunked in the water almost over her nostrils, the temptation became too much.
108 As he was waiting for the barmaid to pour the drinks[.com], Dexter could not resist temptation.
109 Resist the temptation to get involved. After all, it's not your problem.
110 He knows all about sadness, temptation and the grubby facts of life.
111 The temptation to create a compelling, entertaining sports movie must be too strong to resist.
112 The bird, widespread as it is, has resisted the temptation to diverge into numerous kinds found among many nest parasites.
113 We can not avoid the human temptation to extend longevity, and we can not reverse the aging process.
114 This might increase the temptation on the police to do all in their power to discourage complaints. 7.
115 It might be out of bounds, but the temptation to take a slightly closer look was a temptation she could not resist.
116 Salespeople should avoid the temptation of making a sales presentation without finding out the needs of their customers.
117 But it is a great temptation for people to say the latter, especially if they are ignorant of what others believe.
118 Firstly you must select quotations carefully; they must do a job efficiently. Avoid the temptation to select too much.
119 Vincent resisted the temptation to wake him and tell him everything.
120 But the all-too-human temptation to prophesy inhibits the suspension of judgment so often necessary.