快好知 kuaihz

31. We have no contemporary account of the battle . 32. We must fight this battle through to victory. 33. The Battle of Actium took place in 31 BC. 34. Forward! That is the battle cry. 35. Both the armies suffered heavy losses in the battle. 36. The new battle - ships will be armed with 16 - inch guns. 37. They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts. 38. She has lost her battle to retain control of the company. 39. The unit has insufficient armament with which to do battle. 40. We win half the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it, including the thorns. 41. And when we come together, combine the light that shines within. There is nothing we can't do, there is no battle we can't win. 42. The parents were locked in a bitter battle for custody. 43. Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them. 44. Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo. 45. They've been engaged in a legal battle with the council for several months. 46. The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle. 47. Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights. 49. In the battle to retake the village, over 150 soldiers were killed. 50. He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. 51. On life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 52. We were all hurled into the battle before the police dispersed us. 53. Nelson destroyed the Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. 54. There are also indications that a major tank battle may be shaping up for tonight. 55. The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle. 56. Napoleon was vanquished at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. 57. The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain. 58. I had to battle hard just to stay afloat. 59. They planned the tactics for the next day's battle. 60. They threw all their military resources into the battle.