快好知 kuaihz

1. Then suddenly the landmass tears apart. 2. When this landmass begins to warm up that section of the mantle, the cycle begins anew. 3. The landmass of Torness, Skateraw and Barns Ness protects the harbour from the worst of the weather from the west. 4. The great Pangaean landmass was now riddled with miles and miles of coastline, and the world was slowly transformed. 5. Initially, partly sheltered by the great landmass of North Uist, we made good progress southwards. 6. At this distance, the patterns of ocean and landmass were clear. 7. The giant Pangaean landmass sowed the seeds of its own destruction. 8. Many geographers now call this landmass Eurasia. 9. Asia is a very large landmass. 10. Asia and Europe form a huge landmass. 11. Antarctica is the earth's coldest landmass. 12. It is a collision zone between Jiangnan landmass and Cathaysia landmass. 13. No landmass slows the swell of the southern oceans. Sea birds nest on wind - lashed islands. 14. He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies. 15. Xinjiang occupies one - sixth of China's landmass, with Tibet the second - largest province. 16. Oceania is a separated ? landmass, but it is separated? from Asia by very shallow water. 17. "The visitors to the snow-covered landmass are endangering not just the Antarctic region by their actions, but also the rest of the world, " he said. 18. Yet the rainforests cover just seven percent of global landmass. 19. Dahongshan Rock Group is the crystalline basement in the SW margin of the Yangzi Landmass. 20. A second Italian, Amerigo Vespucci , actually argued that the landmass to the west of Europe was a whole new continent. 21. Some 250 million years ago, the Earth contained a single landmass known as Pangaea. 22. The recent geologic data show that it is the Archeozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain formed by the supracrustal rock-TTG rock series, that is different with the southern Longgang landmass. 23. Half of China's 1.3 billion people live on 8.2 % of its landmass ( size of Texas ). 24. Although Japan is known for its big cities, about 70 percent of its landmass is mountainous forest, and the purchases raise the specter of China's gaining control of the cherished hinterlands. 25. Mayuan is a newly discovered Zn - Pb ore deposit on the northern margin of Yangtze landmass. 26. He proposed that the present continents once comprised one large landmass which he named Pangaea. 27. To be prepared for your future life, you don't need to know the capital of West Virginia or the landmass of Chile. 28. An estimated 20 per cent of the world's CCTV cameras are in the UK,[.com] a remarkable achievement for an island that occupies only 0.2 per cent of the world's inhabitable landmass. 29. As a young boy, born and raised in San Pedro, California, the Port of Los Angeles, I was fascinated by the landmass of Catalina Island. 30. SW Margin of the Yangtze Block, belonged to South part of the South China Plate, spans two geotectonic units of Yangtze Landmass and South China active zone.