快好知 kuaihz

31. Few were large enough to support the very specialised and restrictive craft gilds of the greater regional centres. 32. The use of Western methods in other musical traditions would be more than merely restrictive, it would he altogether misleading. 33. This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration. 34. Was it not too restrictive to preclude the possibility that forces of greater intensity had acted in the past? 35. It was a dismal failure, and was followed by restrictive legislation against the unions and by victimization of many union activists. 36. There is an important distinction between the approach to restrictive practices and that towards dominant firms and mergers. 37. She believes that even the present law of return is too restrictive. 38. Only a small minority broke through the restrictive moulds of clan traditions. 39. The aim was to have as few restrictive, formal rules as possible - to make this a genuinely open show. 40. But Britain being Britain, where the licensing laws are as restrictive as ever, they had no choice. 41. All this is only possible where multi-skilling and flexible skilling are the norm, rather than restrictive skill defensiveness. 42. However, such restrictive exercise would not satisfy the ethological requirements of breeds such as dalmatians, dobermanns and collies. 43. Thirdly, the removal of legal constraints and other self-imposed restrictive barriers separating banks from other financial institutions. 44. Enlargement to the East will take place in a restrictive framework of international rules and obligations. 45. The most notable is the relative pronoun that, which can only be used with a restrictive relative clause. 46. However, civil servants may appear in magistrates' courts as prosecutors without violating this restrictive practice. 47. In a less restrictive system such a top-down approach would not be feasible. 48. The Court of Appeal found that there had been a breach but the phrasing of the judgment is none the less restrictive. 49. This price rise occurred in the context of restrictive policies, rapidly decelerating output and double-digit inflation. 50. Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures. 51. Few would have predicted that a radical, reforming Lord Chancellor would begin an assault on the restrictive practices of barristers. 52. I was billeted in Wolverton during the winter months, when the blackout was most restrictive. 53. Restrictive covenants are sometimes used in relation to the future use of licensed premises. 54. Radio has therefore proved less restrictive, being able to reach many more individuals through a greater number of languages. 55. In Section 7.4 we look at the special case of inherently restrictive adjectives. 56. The Rational / Bureaucratic model can produce overly restrictive formal systems that stifle initiative and reduce responsiveness to change. 57. Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy. 58. Restrictive rules maintained the separation of these functions and limited Stock Exchange membership and the inflow of capital into existing firms. 59. Her case ended up in the Supreme Court which overturned restrictive abortion laws in 46 states. 60. As we shall see, meetings and processions are subject to restrictive laws and police powers.