apartheid造句31. We have demonstrated against petty apartheid because we are taking on the entire system of apartheid on all fronts.
32. This is my old college, where under apartheid a celebrated anti-authoritarian spirit characterised staff and students.
33. Many countries imposed economic sanctions on South Africa during apartheid.
34. But it tells you more about the personal horrors of living under apartheid than many a flashier epic.
35. The remnants of the old left hoped victory over apartheid would see the realisation of their ideals.
36. Sophiatown itself-erased by the brutal apparatchiks of apartheid in 1955-is as much the protagonist as the suit.
37. Mandela was in prison for over 25 years for opposing apartheid in South Africa.
38. Many nations used sanctions as an economic lever to help end apartheid in South Africa.
39. Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy,[http:///apartheid.html] and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
40. It was 1986, at the height of the sanctions against apartheid.
41. You can ask yourself how it is possible to maintain a system like apartheid over 300 years without cooperation.
42. Even though the white woman is oppressed herself, she has a vested interest in apartheid.
43. The sanctions were a punitive measure used to try to force South Africa to reject apartheid.
44. For many visitors to the country the stations might present the main opportunity to see apartheid in action.
45. Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.Nelson Mandela
46. In formal education, the pressures of life under apartheid have had contradictory impacts on women.
47. It has prompted President De Klerk to hold a referendum to guage white support on ending apartheid.
48. But there it is dedicated to the struggle against apartheid.
49. To many, the springbok was transformed from a symbol of apartheid into a new rallying point for a reconciled nation.
50. How do you see this togetherness in relation to hope for change in the apartheid system?
51. Apartheid is even a greater evil.
52. Apartheid Museum in a town of Soweto.
53. A documentary film reflecting black people's against apartheid.
54. He was an outspoken critic of apartheid.
55. Essentially the same vision that motivated apartheid South Africa.
56. In the days of racial segregation, or apartheid, black school children were not allowed to study music or creative subjects.
57. He will have to face the music of his opponent's criticisms of apartheid.
58. For nearly 40 years, Gordimer has spoken out against apartheid.
59. The end of apartheid such things happened in our own time signal.
60. Tragically, since the end of apartheid inequality in South Africa has grown.