liabilities造句31. Secondly, the purchaser will require the surveyor to assess potential liabilities under repairing obligations in the lease and in particular for dilapidations.
32. Sterling liabilities Time deposits form the largest item, accounting for around 50 percent of the total.
33. Finally the apartment manager, fearful of the potential liabilities and lawsuits related to substandard housing and building codes, evicted us.
34. List these assets and liabilities at random as they pop into your mind or as they are suggested to you by others.
35. By definition, assets must equal the total liabilities plus equities.
36. The losses suffered during the start-up phase of a business can be used to reduce the tax liabilities of the owners.
37. The implication of the latest moves are that humans have moved to the debit side and become liabilities.
38. Table 3.5 shows that sterling and non-sterling liabilities are quite closely matched by corresponding assets.
39. Predictably, as Table 3.4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.
40. Poor, working fathers have literally been made financial liabilities to their families.
41. As a firm grows, current assets will generally grow faster than current liabilities.
42. On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings are translated at the completion rate of exchange.
43. As with other intermediaries, the nature of these liabilities influences the composition of the asset portfolio.
44. Yet the panel did not subtract the substantial liabilities Simpson has incurred, including tax bills, attorneys fees and bank loans.
45. Clearly, the vendor will seek as large a consideration as possible, with as few contingent liabilities as possible.
46. With asset sales the purchaser does not assume the liabilities except as regards employees, unless this is specifically agreed.
47. Liquidity: ratios designed to measure the ability of the firm to meet its short-term liabilities as they come due. 3.
48. Purchasers may not understand the extent of their liabilities and the true extent of the help they might receive in an emergency.
49. The plaintiffs were able to raise sufficient moneys to meet their liabilities and the receivers were discharged.
50. The courts have invented new laws, as in the new liabilities to restrain picketing during the miners' strike.
51. For people who are suddenly disabled and for many aging homeowners, traditional houses become inconvenient liabilities.
52. Note that financial assets and liabilities cancel one another out, thus making net worth equal to the value of physical assets.
53. Answer guide: Record in the stock column and in a creditor column. Balance sheet - increase assets and liabilities.
54. In other words such institutions can never spontaneously add to their liabilities and provide borrowers with additional funds.
55. Convertible debt is to be displayed separately from other liabilities.
56. The company has total liabilities of £2.8m and a trading loss of £800,000.
57. Approaches were made to lenders with a view to agreeing improvements in their procedures which would reduce the liabilities of the Compensation and Indemnity Funds.
58. If in doubt, take expert advice on your rights and liabilities.
59. A similar picture emerges when we examine the net flows arising from transactions in assets and liabilities.
60. Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.