快好知 kuaihz

1. Matt scooted over the bridge on his skateboard. 2. These include a skateboard and a punchball. 3. Karl fell off his skateboard and busted his arm. 4. Skateboard Tow Head on his skateboard threads through a crowd of feet and faces delayed to a slow stupidity. 5. It calls for creating a skateboard park, a picnic area, a sculpture to climb on and an amphitheater. 6. A teenager carrying his skateboard passed a man wearing a yarmulke. 7. Of course, all the skateboard sellers could get together and conspire to raise prices. 8. Suddenly she trips over a skateboard in front of a home and crashes to the ground. 9. Extreme surfer and skateboard styles are still a best bet. 10. By go-cart or unicycle, by skateboard or sleigh. 11. Does he have a bomb hidden under the skateboard? 12. It is illegal to skateboard without a license. 13. He wants to have a skateboard. 14. Don't skateboard or roller skate on the road.. 15. These are my skateboard graphic designs, there is more coming soon. 16. One time I had a skateboard, but it wasn't very fast. 17. They can go to skateboard parks, to swimming pools or to video arcades. 18. Perform the skateboard pop shove-it with tips from a professionally sponsored skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding. 19. Scooter, Finger Scooter, Finger Skateboard, Roller Skate, Snow Board. Toy and Games. 20. Change into a skateboard, broom, mallet, cannon, flyswatter, propeller beanie and a cloud. 21. Those two kids skateboard in the park to show some special technics. 22. The wheelless skateboard controller has a curved bottom that sits on the floor; riders can tilt it by leaning in any direction. 23. Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard. 24. Elbow pads and knee pads are essential on a skateboard. 25. Students may remember their early failures in learning to ride a bike or a skateboard, or learning to swim. 26. Undoubtably you will come across Koopas making a getaway on a skateboard, bike, balloon, or whatever. 27. He finds a lumber mill and a metal shop that will sell him wood planks and wheels for $ 5 per skateboard. 28. Number 4, Because I couldn't get a camel a skateboard. 29. The island aquatics centre and provide many water sports, skateboard, sailing and scuba diving, motorboat water skiing, parachute, sail, banana boat, etc. 30. When was the last time you were even on a skateboard?