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31. You also might say you made a bee beeline for something. 32. When the train finally arrived, the cold and weary travelers a beeline for it. 33. We have experimented on the total dose radiation effect of the PZT ferroelectric material capacitors with the ELV-8 electron beeline accelerator. 34. Planar measuring program includes point, line, circle, arc, beeline, roundness, screw, cam and other measuring functions. 35. As he spoke he made a beeline for the door. 36. Arc blade lathe tool is recognized that it's different from beeline bl ade because of its principle of "envelope forming". 37. Characteristics cross - joint flush valve: they are time - lapse, self - closing, beeline of water route. 38. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. 39. The crank and connecting rod mechanism (CCRM) is often used in automatization machineries. It can transform circumrotation movement into to-and-fro beeline movement. 40. Research on single track Beeline Encoder with CCD Fractionize is presented in the paper. A coding theory and an algorithm for shift sequence code is put forward. 41. And when we get there, let's make a beeline for the water! 42. The thesis first introduces the deduction of the beeline and arc interpolation in the plane. 43. In January, Leidinet Guedes boarded the riverboat and made a beeline for Ms. Moraes. 44. Thirdly,[http:///beeline.html] make sure your head and back press close to the wall on a beeline. 45. Parts AB and DF are the main filling slope, whose failure pattern is self arc failure or beeline failure. 46. You can set your goals and make a beeline for your target. 47. Features: PLC control, rough lathing, precise lathing finish in one time, three sets of beeline rolling beads guiding rod, imported damp device adjusting path knife speed. 48. Generous, obey concise and arts principle, beeline and arc line combine together, more express of oneself. 49. Objective To summarize clinical effect of the stererotaxic surgery therapy for encephalon metastases by beeline accelerator.