快好知 kuaihz

61) What the heck is a megabyte, and how in the world am I going to be able to tell how much data I need to pay for month to month? 62) Its average valence electron energy is 5.2 electron volts, which is a heck of a lot less than 11. 63) This design is ideal for the antitragus-challenged; heck, these would stay on even if you were also missing your tragus, scapha, concha and earlobe. 64) That's a heck of a lot of cadmium telluride, the semiconductor they use for their thin film cells. 65) Heck, merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive! 66) Women find it wussy it annoys the heck out of them. 67) Why, heck, she might want to even ask some perfect strangers she meets in the halls at Foggy Bottom: "Hey, would you like a free trip to the Middle East?" 68) Palin scrambled up some clauses and facts in such a way that made it sound as though she had no idea what the heck she was talking about when confronted by the words "Paul Revere. 69) We revere our stoic American archetypes, like the Wild West gunslinger riddled by half a dozen slugs of lead who swears, "Aw heck, Doc, it's only a scratch." 70) He's also a heck of a Quidditch player and a good enough wizard (outside the academic environment, at least) that he can even discomfit the unshakeable Dolores Umbridge. 71) What the [ in ( the ) ] heck are you doing with my car? 72) Instead of getting to 11am and wondering what the heck you're supposed to do next, you'll have a clear list of tasks which you want to complete during the day. 73) The couple had a heck of an argument and kept us awake all night. 74) The result shows that, under this catalytic reaction, the Heck arylation of iodobenzene with acrylic acid has a good stereoselectivity and only trans-cinnamic acid is produced. 75) Should be " What the HECK on earth will do this thing? " 76) Heck, l may even find some new continents or something. 77) The Heck reaction is used in the manufacturing of the painkiller naproxen, sold under various brand names including Aleve. 78) So if we can get people excited about animals, then by crikey , it makes it a heck of a lot easier to save them. 79) Heck, merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. 80) We can't wait to see his take on Jerry Dandrige, aka the guy who will charm away your girlfriend and probably murder you (and her) just for the heck of it. 81) The authors have shown that diazonium salts are attractive substrates for Heck couplings , in particular. 82) What is a non-disclosure agreement for a business and why the heck do I have to sign one? 83) A 72-year-old man has credited his pet cockatiel with saving his life after raising the alarm by making a "heck of a noise" when he had a stroke. 84) There was only one look that could take a female executive to work -- a perfectly tailored gray pantsuit -- but what the heck. 85) To keep your choppers in tip-top shape (heck, just to keep them in the first place), we've come up with the following 22 tips that go far beyond just brushing and flossing. 86) Its catalytic performance for Heck arylation of acrylic acid with iodobenzene shows that the catalyst has high catalytic activity and regioselectivity for the synthesis of trans-phenylacrylic acid. 87) "It's good for his confidence, " Cavs guard Mo Williams said. "It's good for us because he's a heck of a ballplayer. 88) Even casual baseball fans —heck, even your grandma —are familiar with the Sultan of Swat and his 714 home runs. 89) It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas. 90) That crazy hit-or-miss system based on random chance encounters was one heck of an inefficient way to run a recycling program.