friction造句31, There were also sources of friction between them.
32, Creative differences led to friction within the band.
33, It also reduced friction at the point of contact.
34, Rarely, according to Joni, did they end without friction.
35, That would be a neat salve for trade friction.
36, Try to decide how friction works in the example.
37, This question can become a major source of friction.
38, Movement inevitably involves friction, and friction inevitably means disputes.
39, Many machines use ball bearings to reduce friction.
40, Nevertheless, several issues have caused friction in recent months.
41, Sporadic friction with Madrid is inevitable and expected.
42, Heat can be produced by chemical reactions or friction.
43, You may feel a curious pulling-away sensation or friction.
44, External load torques, perhaps caused by friction, give rise to a small error in position when the motor is stationary.
45, Diamond-tipped milling wheels are used to groove airport runways and station platforms to improve their friction when wet, thus preventing slipping.
46, Finally. the House of Lords was a prime domestic reason for Unionist acceptance of coalition. but a constant source of friction.
47, Pentrite can explode without a detonator if it receives a severe blow or strong friction.
48, It is easily damaged by friction as the diaper rubs against it.
49, This force is provided by the friction between the tyres and the ground.
50, Calluses are caused by friction from faulty foot mechanics, often from arches that are too high or too low.
51, They could, in short, be accommodated, without any undue friction.
52, But a warmer relationship depends on eliminating or at least smoothing down points of friction.
53, Friction embraces resistance or resentment on the part of key people who have to implement the plan.
54, All her consciousness was centred on that unfamiliar and earth-shattering friction.
55, Not wanting to cause friction with your partner is understandable, but it is worth bearing a few things in mind.
56, The tests will cover things like shock absorption, breathability, fit and sole friction.
57, At least a dozen lawsuits filed recently illuminate the racial and gender friction within the agency.
58, Meredith at first proclaimed his innocence but friction between the player and the club led to further disclosures.
59, Some of the most important sources of friction between the marketing department and other departments are as indicated below. 11.
60, Much of the friction stemmed from a debate about which technology to use.