escapism造句31) It is the helpful insider's tip from the knowledge bookshop staff member which sends you on a path to a new book of knowledge or escapism.
32) He refused to pander to nostalgia and escapism ( New York Times ).
33) This, they said, was the dominant escapism at the fall of society.
34) The child, facing stress of hospitalization, used coping behaviors that included regression and escapism.
35) That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.
36) For those of us old enough to have been brought up in a largely literary age, where child escapism existed mainly on the page, Potter might be seen as a return to Narnia and Dolittle and Streatfield.
37) It is not an escapism that the culture of private law is admitted into administrative law, and it has been an undeniable and unpreventable reality in the practice of administrative law.
38) Moral decline has also led to discontent, escapism, selfishness and an increase in suicides.
39) At ease to a certain extent, this has reflected his long- haired escapism and faced real limpness.
40) But there is such a thing as escapism for adults.