快好知 kuaihz

(241) The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium. (242) President lary - Byrd expressed that the team will not sell outright the sandbank Si Li contract. (243) Reports of conflicts of interest or outright corruption surface regularly. (244) The investigation is only into diploma mills, not outright r é sum é falsification. (245) She lectured them about politeness and sharing and outright tried to bully her way into that playgroup. (246) The Kai - shek leadership opposed the outright capitulation which it knew the entire nation would never accept. (247) If the gods think to speak outright to man, they will honourably speak outright. (248) Weimusai says, buy outright a plan " will make cost is cut while we are undertaking recombining , improve efficiency " . (249) Ahab at first tried buy the vineyard outright , willing to offer a fabulous price far it. (250) The money is clearly there: indeed, it has been calculated that the monetary reserves of the People's Republic are big enough for it to buy Italy outright. (251) The current minimum solvency margin standard for non-life insurance businesses in China was an outright trans- plantation of the EU 1973 standard. (252) What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy. (253) But President Dwight D. Eisenhower believed that any armed conflict with Moscow would accelerate into a thermonuclear holocaust, and he rejected outright this notion of "limited" nuclear war.