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61. The breeding stock has increased steadily since 1958, and some increase has occurred in the number wintering. 62. At least you are starting with a breeding pair, but even so you may experience some disharmony. 63. Hall's main pay cheque comes from selling lambs which go to the lowlands as breeding stock. 64. Nervous - but breeding I have a breeding pair of Severums in a four foot tank. 65. She expresses particular concern about the breeding of animals solely for experimental use, including animals with genetic alterations. 66. Some farmers have beef cattle, some for breeding purposes or for showing purposes. 67. It was neat and elegant, like all wild animals, with an air of aristocratic insouciance and good breeding. 68. The number of bird species spotted breeding in the area has reached 180. 69. He saw a rather pretty woman, not very young, with an air of good breeding that somehow attracted him. 70. Where scum settles on wetted surfaces in kitchens, it creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. 71. This impaired breeding activity and led to a complete ban on artificial feeding. 72. We are establishing an ethical committee to look at the effects of advanced techniques in animal breeding. 73. Whenever possible breeding colony staff should not be involved with other animals of a potentially lower health status. 74. In open country, trees becomes sites for breeding colonies which may also facilitate synchronization of breeding. 75. There was nothing for girls, only drudgery and breeding, specially paupers like herself. 76. If they die the whole campaign to save the condor by captive breeding could come under renewed attack. 77. I already have a breeding pair of convicts, which seem happy in this water. 78. The construction works on the tunnel would disrupt one of the colony's main breeding grounds. 78. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 79. Elephant seals have started hauling out on mainland beaches in southern California because their offshore island breeding grounds have become too crowded. 80. The sexes form different kinds of association for breeding in different species; some are monogamous, others polygynous, others polyandrous. 81. The first food I use is infusoria prepared prior to breeding the fish. 82. The Thick Lipped Gourami is a bubble nest builder and displays an interesting behaviour pattern during courtship and breeding. 83. Public aquariums are a good source of information regarding the status of captive breeding of invertebrates. 84. So it can be understood that planned breeding is not a new idea. 85. The culmination of years of selective breeding - Richard Tisbury releases a Sanke. 86. It seems most likely that the breeding stock is becoming resident on its breeding waters. 87. The local breeding stock appears to disperse in July and August and winter visitors may start to arrive in September. 88. The high number of farms with adult cattle was surprising especially in areas more suited to breeding stock. 89. They are condemned to a life of misery in cramped breeding colonies. 90. Mute Swans are fairly widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex, but little up-to-date information about numbers is available.