jaunty造句1. He had a jaunty walk.
2. a jaunty grin/step.
3. Her hat was set at a jaunty angle.
4. She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.
5. Her hat was cocked at a jaunty angle.
6. Peter Webster, forty-seven, is a jaunty, jolly fellow.
7. Characters sing jaunty ragtime and barbershop melodies.
8. They saw him pass by, Jaunty and confident in his drainpipe trousers, his long Jacket with velvet cuffs and collar.
9. The 1960s were the years of jaunty self-confidence among economists, and the reasons for this were not difficult to fathom.
10. An effort to look through bifocals put a jaunty thrust in Lois's small chin.
11. He tried to be jaunty about it and almost succeeded.
12. The drum-major was terrific, with his jaunty swagger, and the lads loved it.
13. Vladek, like Rupert, is the epitome of pluck: jaunty, stouthearted and as resourceful as he is intrepid.
14. You have to be both jaunty cheerleader and lithe psychiatrist.
15. He always wear his hat at a jaunty angle.
16. Some people consider their journey like a jaunty tour.
17. The happy children walked with jaunty steps.
18. The happy boy walked with jaunty steps.
19. Guess where the jaunty streams refresh themselves.
20. When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling.
21. The Jersey Championship may not be a classic, but it helped Jacklin to regain the old jaunty confidence.
22. His grey hat, which he swept off with a flourish as the ladies approached, was set at a jaunty angle.
23. The conductor often allows heavy, clumsy-sounding accentuation, for example in the bass air, where he misses the jaunty hornpipe rhythm.
24. After the polonaise, the first waltz brightened the room with its jaunty rhythm.
25. They love him ... all that golden hair and the jaunty moustache.
26. By the time our bowls were scraped clean, our anxieties would be stilled, our spirits jaunty.
27. All females in their thirties dressed like chic astronauts; all women over forty wore jaunty, flared trouser suits.
28. Brilliant white walls and shimmering blue paintwork give the hallway a jaunty nautical feel.
29. He wore a flat, battered cap on his head, pushed to one side to give him a jaunty air.
30. She had a startlingly dashing necklace and wore some sort of a uniform cap in a jaunty way.