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181. Can excuse me dot mole stay imprint? General cost how many? Safe? 182. The cause may be physical — the growth of a tumour or hydatidiform mole in the uterus — or emotional. 183. The star-nosed mole is the world 's fastest mammals eat. 184. Patients with a hydatidiform mole are often large for dates and have hyperemesis gravidarum more frequently. 185. Ring opening of copolymerization and homopolymerization between acrylpimaric acid and ethylene oxide at different mole ratio were studied. 186. After calcination at 500℃ for 2 h, 0.5 % ( in mole percent ) Pr 3 + - TiO 2 powders show that the nanocrystalline TiO 2 with anatase phase. 187. What is the mole? Mole is a more practical value, something that we can handle tangibly. 188. Donkey find donkey, tiger find tiger, dung beetle rape mole cricket. 189. What are the hospitals in Shanghai can go to the acridine mole! 190. The effects of reactant mole ratio , catalyst dosage , microwave irradiationtimeyield of cyclohexanone glycol ketal were investigated. 191. Two moles of epoxy react with one mole of A - 1100. 192. Although this could be called stomp - a - mole. 193. After electronic forming, we'll get one piece of holography nickel shim which records holography images and other information(for example, E-beam or Mole hidden text) in 2D/3D or Dot-master effect. 194. The naked mole rat is also of interest because it is extraordinarily long-lived for a rodent of its size (up to 28 years) and holds the record for the longest living rodent. 195. Size of the uterus and presence of theca lutein cysts were closely related with hydatidiform mole malignant transformation. 196. Melanomas appear as a mole or freckle that changes colour, size or shape, but are the most dangerous type of skin cancer. 197. To do this, Citysense will categorize people into "tribes". So far, 20 tribes have been identified, including "young and edgy, " "business traveler, " "weekend mole, " and "homebody." 198. For a larger mole fraction germanium on silicon substrate, the SiGe bandgap becomes smaller, thus causing larger electron injection efficiency. 199. It is joules per atom. Or, if you multiply by Avogadro's number then you will get joules per mole. 200. In this hydatidiform mole there is atypical trophoblastic proliferation, but villi are still present. 201. A mole or blemish present on the skin from birth; a nevus. 202. The doctor said that the grape - shaped transparent sample embryo in her womb was a vesicular mole. 203. The Mole went to attend theand the Rat heard him utter a cry of surprise. 204. 'Really, Rat, ' said the Mole, quite pettishly , 'I think we'd had enough of this folly. 205. Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself.