快好知 kuaihz

31. When the choir commenced the first carol, even the most self-conscious among them burst into song. 32. I was self-conscious about my body to a painful degree, and terrified lest the weight came back. 33. They began to tease each other and the experimenters with self-conscious relish. 34. A spirit of nationalism, national self-conscious ness, and loyalty to constituted authority were in embryonic evidence. 35. It was hell on earth at first, the party, with everyone awkward and self-conscious. 36. His proper names show the same self-conscious striving for a romantic atmosphere. 37. The comedy of reassurance, still, but with a self-conscious, ironic twist that Bruce Forsyth would never have dreamed of. 38. No doubt, as meal times were such a major effort, people were less self-conscious about weight or diet. 39. Essential to his effort was the restoration of a vigorous and self-conscious clerical caste. 40. Neither he nor his wife were remotely self-conscious about this. 41. Suddenly you could have heard a pin drop, which is enough to make anyone feel self-conscious. 42. She is the least self-conscious creature I have ever met. 43. The superintendent divined from the self-conscious way he carried himself that Hebden wished he had. 44. In the end the Albertos are a colourful footnote to the sometimes self-conscious rock culture of the 70s. 45. From a state of poise and self-confidence, she was suddenly overwhelmingly self-conscious. 46. Mary had provoked sensations of his childhood; one of them was this womb-echoing self-conscious snugness indoors, safe from outside turbulence. 47. One minute they were sitting there looking self-conscious and the next they were roaring with laughter. 48. Their well-groomed coats gleam like a couple of sleek self-conscious thoroughbreds. 49. The second dimension implies the need for self-conscious implementation of equal opportunities and the questioning and revision of routine practices. 50. Here, attempts to bossa nova merely produced a self-conscious lateral sway. 51. It has to be closely supervised but provides a good job for any adult who might be feeling somewhat self-conscious. 52. At first, there were faint murmurings, barely audible even within the row, and self-conscious answers from the team leader. 53. She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language. 54. It is not a deliberate, self-conscious activity, but a natural process that takes place unconsciously. 55. The first is one of a self-conscious confusion, the second of discomfort at being a lesbian. 56. The scene inside the lobby restaurant of the studio did nothing to make me less self-conscious. 57. This is involved in becoming aware of oneself as a self-conscious moral agent. 58. I found it boring, self-conscious and a good deal sketchier than the Balzac novella on which it's based. 59. The movement was also programmatically self-conscious, one of the modernist tropes. 60. His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends.