快好知 kuaihz

61. Downing Street's double glazing must have proved invaluable as the camera corps set up camp and squabbled on the doorstep. 62. Thank you for your invaluable help - what luck to find you. 63. If you spend much of your time dealing with figures then a spreadsheet is invaluable. 64. It also provides an invaluable reference for professionals in architecture, design, manufacture, marketing, publicity or retailing. 65. Microworm, sifted very small white worm or grindal worm make an invaluable first food for very small fry. 66. It proved an invaluable way of putting issues on the table and encouraging serious debate. 67. According to Townsend, the data should be invaluable to researchers studying rural areas. 68. This was invaluable, it also aroused the interest of the Californian Highway Patrol! 69. Hearing dogs for the deaf can be invaluable to people with a profound hearing loss. 70. Contact with Western medical techniques proved invaluable, and the student doctors have benefited greatly. 71. Her profound analyses of the fears and longings underlying parenthood have been invaluable to my thinking, and to my life. 72. His contribution to the development of the Olympus overhaul facilities at Rolls Wood Group, must be regarded as invaluable. 73. Report generation using a stand alone microcomputer with a word-processing program has already proved invaluable in many company departments, including personnel. 74. Rod Bags One item that is invaluable to the angler who does any amount of boat fishing is an electric outboard. 75. Duhamel - Port Security, co-operated fully, help invaluable, killed tonight in suspicious circumstances. 76. His experience at two of the most renowned engineering firms in the world was to prove invaluable. 77. In developing both our general policy and our test items, we have had invaluable help from many teachers. 78. Local telephone directories, A-Z street maps, local guides and dictionaries all proved invaluable. 79. A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge. 80. A quick rip off Tweezers are invaluable for removing odd hairs. 81. Blom's fluent command of languages was invaluable in his work as a lexicographer. 82. It is an invaluable source of information to those attempting to prevent or seeking to abate odour problems. 83. By using test-kits and keeping a record of the readings obtained you also build-up and invaluable data bank for future reference. 84. During a recce, the deaths column of local newspapers often prove invaluable - the newly-widowed are particularly vulnerable. 85. Such small changes are invaluable in giving themes renewed vitality, while at the same time preserving unity. 86. Elections are invaluable, however, for providing the people with a peaceful way of throwing politicians out of office. 87. When plotting monthly or quarterly data, graph paper ruled into twelve divisions instead of ten is invaluable. 88. The comments and suggestions made by college staff attending these events have proved invaluable in framing the proposals described in these papers. 89. Some techniques were employed to a lesser extent but still provide invaluable comparative results. 90. The whole work is well presented and is recommended as an invaluable source of reference in the analytical laboratory.