快好知 kuaihz

31. Under Leonore's eagle eye he had examined the suddenly produced delivery note and made only a cursory inspection of the truck. 32. A cursory line from the eye to bisect the body helps to supply the tail angle. 33. She gave a cursory greeting to Mr. Giovaneui. 34. Only cursory surveys have been made. 35. I gave the letter a fairly cursory reading. 36. After cursory examination, he was released. 37. Nothing valuable can be obtained through cursory research. 38. This time she was cursory because she felt guilty. 39. He had given the report a cursory reading. 40. The globe-trotting Yorkshireman didn't think much of it, dismissing it with a few cursory lines in his journal. 41. A casual ( or cursory ) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws. 42. Mason was terribly crushed. The most cursory examination revealed it. 43. Messages from anyone else are either deleted unread or given a cursory glance and then ignored. 44. The only industry mentioned is agriculture and it is discussed in a cursory sentence. 45. A naked CON steps before a DOCTOR and gets a cursory exam. A penlight is shined in his eyes, ears, nose, and throat. 46. Mrs. Charmond fell into a meditation, and replied abstractedly to a cursory remark of her companion's. 47. Even a cursory reading of the letter showed many errors. 48. Some books are for intensive study and some are for cursory reading. 49. The bank will do an appraisal, it will be a cursory one. 50. EVEN a cursory glance at Saturn's moon Iapetus reveals it to be an oddball. 51. My hands were full, so I just gave the book a cursory reading. 52. Review articles and book chapters that discuss sports - related dermatoses are too general and often cursory information. 53. Second, I really like the cursory voice owned by some women. 54. Review articles and book chapters that discuss sports-related dermatoses are too general and often offer only cursory information.