compulsive造句31. Cameron thought of the wee man's rubbery face, his busy scurrying movements - his compulsive drinking.
32. The consequences of compulsive gambling are comparable to those of any other addictive disease and are not simply those of financial loss.
33. The perfectionist, as we saw, tries to do things perfectly because of his or her compulsive desire to avoid showing anger.
34. The eating disorders include compulsive overeating and severe anorexia,[/compulsive.html] both being found in some patients.
35. And area folklore has them pegged as compulsive shoplifters, sugar addicts and tax scofflaws.
36. The healthy individual has no compulsive morality because he has no impulses which call for moral inhibition.
37. Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour.
38. There is rage, self-defeat and its close psychic cousin, compulsive overachievement.
39. Characters are apparently motiveless, compulsive liars, who shy from eye contact.
40. There is something in this pattern of behaviour that is very reminiscent of some addictive or compulsive behaviours.
41. The physical consequences of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia can be severe and even fatal.
42. A tradition that was based only on communication could not lead to the compulsive character that attaches to religious phenomena.
43. You tend to be compulsive about your job and wind up defeating yourself.
44. The social consequences of compulsive gambling and risk-taking, workaholism, compulsive overspending and other behavioural addictions can be utterly destructive.
45. In the 124 articles we found that were related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, we found 92 that included some empirical research.
46. Compulsive behaviour is often a symptom of deeper psychological problems.
47. The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
48. So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy.
49. Compulsive shoppers often never even open the goods they buy.
50. In particular he remembers the very smart set of poetry classics, and noted his friend's compulsive reading of them.
51. Mel is a compulsive liar too, but I guess Steve is too self-obsessed to care.
52. Many judges have allowed abuse defenses but reject compulsive gambling syndrome.
53. Abusive lovers, self-deception and compulsive honesty create a droll litany over exquisite music.
54. It revealed Docherty to be a witty, compulsive and outspoken man who feels cheated by the past.
55. The dialogue itself makes compulsive reading and there are many musical quotations and ideas to pursue.
56. The relationship between eating disorders and compulsive physical exercise may be totally intertwined.
57. Such a romantic scenario, such an agonising scene to witness and yet it was compulsive viewing for Ruth.
58. I tried joining another group, this time for compulsive eaters.
59. The compulsive drive towards a mystical mode of religion is particularly interesting in the three faiths of historical monotheism.
60. Overcoming Overeating may be a powerful way for some women to break a long habit of compulsive eating.