redemption造句61. After his last movie bombed, this script is Brown's shot at redemption.
62. If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and you're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green - God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now.Bob Marley
63. The nominal value is the original purchase and redemption price.
64. Do we have here an expression of the belief that the redemption of nature is integrally bound up with man's redemption?
65. Gilt strips Here gilts are divided or stripped into their component parts that is, the interest and redemption payments.
66. In 1922 the newly opened Redemption Fund was transferred to the Revenue Account to offset losses.
67. The yield to the purchaser then depends on the difference between the price he paid for the bill and its redemption value.
68. Home owners can obtain better rates on standard fixed, capped and discount mortgages-and still avoid harsh redemption penalties.
69. Steve Howe set the standard for cycling through multiple phases of self-destruction and redemption.
70. The Pistols were already banned from most established London venues; punk rock's reputation for violence was now beyond redemption.
71. Birmingham Law Society suggested that redemption monies could be sent directly to the sellers lender by the buyer's solicitor.
72. At least that promises a second innings, another chance for Caliban's redemption.
73. From my earliest childhood, I had heard people talk of the coming of better times, of the redemption of mankind.
74. They were dedicated to the task of bringing redemption and salvation to sinners before the Day of Judgement arrived.
75. The net redemption yield is lower than the gross redemption yield.
76. State redemption centers pay 5 cents for every two recyclable containers.
77. Penn is granted human dignity by Sarandon, the nun who gently coaxes him into his own redemption.
78. Mortal pain and toil have yielded before the promise of redemption in Revelations.
79. You are still entitled to a dividend on the redemption date.
80. But the redemption yield will be worth something only if there is enough money in the kitty to pay out on maturity.
81. The set up fee is 1 p.c. and there is an early redemption charge equivalent to three months' interest.
82. I've got redemption penalties on part of my mortgage, but not all of it.
83. There is a £250 arrangement fee and an early redemption penalty of six months' interest.
84. Charlotte got back into London rather late that night, and rather tired, but hooked beyond redemption upon Aurae Phiala.
85. He is a man of miracles and redemption, crime and defiance.
86. If, however, the bond is trading above the redemption price, the issuer is likely to draw bonds for redemption.
87. As their price falls, however, a larger differential between their current and redemption price emerges.
88. Heavy redemption penalties also apply; but you are unlikely to want to redeem such a good deal.
89. Cashback: If the cashback seems unduly generous look closely at the penalties for early redemption.
90. A Cat standard mortgage can include a redemption penalty, so long as it does not extend beyond the discount period.