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in abundance造句
31. The latest version of its graphics package, Presentations 2, reviewed in our December issue, had these features in abundance. 32. All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley. 33. Stainforth's success rests on three qualities he possesses in abundance. 34. GORDON BROWN may lack the political graces but one quality he has in abundance: sheer bloody-minded grit. 35. Secondary in abundance are aromatic sester and sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons, but aromatic diterpenoids, most of the regular PAH are found at trace levels only. 36. China has had long interest in Africa; now China needs resources, particularly energy, and this is what Africa has in abundance. 37. But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 38. Very clean zingy palate, with fresh citrus and gooseberry flavors in abundance, and balanced lingering acidity. 39. A carotenoid called lycopene, which tomatoes contain in abundance, appeared to be responsible. 40. Because this year financial crisis erupts, the domestic stock market quotation is not in addition good, many financial profession jobholders choose the overseas further education in abundance. 41. Along with canonical hour's approaching, each group honored guest arrives in abundance, many major suIt'stars. 42. At the party there is food and drink in abundance. 43. Bathroom humor was in abundance and costumes were elaborate, including toilet-paper dresses, a pair of superheroes and at least one claim to royalty by a self-styled potty-paper princess. 44. Cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto. 45. And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his children throughout all the countries of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance. And he desired many wives. 46. Afterward the rider returns the maintenance station to refuel in abundance carries on the final sprint. 47. However second, the jorum actually in abundance from a horse. 48. Usually these needs are in abundance and encompass a variety of task. 49. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in abundance the alike way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation. 50. Both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum are found in abundance. 51. The capacity for producing offspring, especially in abundance; productiveness . 52. Many domestic enterprises also in abundance invest into in the skin belt weight meter research and the development work! 53. Similarly, ecology (the study of natural systems) specialises in abundance, and it can be useful to look at what's happening in the media through the eyes of an ecologist. 54. He may say ( boastfully); Wealth have I squandered in abundance! 55. M2 also appears in abundance in the membrane of cells producing new flu viruses, so targeting it with antibodies will lead to the destruction of infected cells as well as the virus itself. 56. The alkaline-earth metal strontium is the smallest element in abundance for the silver-white soft metal. 57. Large predators were sustained by populations of prey fish, pilchards, herring, sprat and others, far greater in abundance than those present today.