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181. Sometimes, not feeling confident in her judgement that he was playing up, she let him stay. 182. There was a time when the response "that's a value judgement" would have demolished any argument in the educational field. 183. He lacks sound judgement. 184. A certificate of judgement is still required, but see r 27 enabling judgment creditors to prepare documents for the court. 185. The only way to ensure randomness is to make sample selections independent of human judgement. 186. However, he warns that competition, especially in a recession, can cloud a company judgement. 187. Judgement is particularly important in the initial assessment of risks and deciding on their tolerability. 188. This, though a more realistic standard of judgement, was also not entirely satisfactory. 189. I shall tell you a great secret my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.Albert Camus 190. In the final analysis a judgement on the political stability of most countries must be highly subjective. 191. In theory this would mean their suspending judgement on a matter under investigation until sufficient evidence was forthcoming. 192. It is Pop Judgement Day, with every group in history dragged into the dock to justify their past existence. 193. Many people suspended judgement and throughout the West Midlands reduced polls saw Conservative majorities cut. 194. Certainly a high market share has not been sufficient to attract an unfavourable judgement. 195. My own experience of his judgement was not very encouraging and did not support the view of his racing omniscience. 196. J Is for Judgement comes in hardback at the same time. 197. They made a judgement on me in just over a quarter of an hour. 198. Identification with Osiris was a crucial factor both through the judgement after death and through association with his major cult centres. 199. But, in an uncanny moment of premonition, I am able to see through the mists of time to Judgement Day. 200. Cosmopolitans were defined as showing higher levels of commitment to specialized skills and professional peer group judgement than to the employing organization. 201. This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to. 202. She had allowed her own feelings to cloud her judgement. 203. He allows no prejudice to colour his Judgement, welcoming positive suggestions and ideas put to him. 204. The committal order was for failing to attend court for examination of his means in proceedings to enforce judgement debts against him. 205. The fact that Wycliffe often deferred to her judgement made Kersey suspicious of her intrusion into their cosy male councils. 206. Identifying one another like fellow nationals grounded amid alien hordes in a foreign airport, they exchanged glances dense with judgement. 207. Well-dressed ladies in large hats came along to hear the judgement, and the room was bright with colour. 208. The tone of deference suggests that this person was a new acquaintance, and that Leapor respected her literary judgement. 209. This new phase, following on the day of judgement, was to last for all eternity. 210. The individual suspends his critical judgement and involvement in external reality to becoming passively absorbed in an imaginary world.