prohibited造句91. The U.S. prohibited all flights to the country while the war was in progress.
92. Other issues such as education may be resolved by a specific issue or prohibited steps order also made under s8.
93. These children had completed their preparatory year and were of normal intelligence but severe physical problems prohibited them from entering regular school.
94. The university had a policy that prohibited indoor demonstrations. In the spirit of defiance we decided to take Hamilton Hall.
95. It goes without saying that financial conglomerates must not use information prohibited by law.
96. Propaganda and demonstrations against the integrity of the state were prohibited.
97. The law prohibited them from the benefits of free enterprise, of property ownership, or credit.
98. It currently receives the federal appropriations for public broadcasting and is prohibited by law from producing programs or operating a network itself.
99. The Butler Act prohibited the teaching of any theory that denies the story of creation as related in the Bible.
100. The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.
101. Can teachers be prohibited from encouraging or participating in demonstrations?
102. The manufacture and sale of nine types of foreign and domestic semi-automatic assault weapons would also be prohibited for three years.
103. Hence, she may be prohibited from entertaining others in the home.
104. Also prohibited is any refusal to engage meaningfully with the opponent.
105. Children were prohibited from smoking in the streets and the sale of tobacco to them became an offence.
106. With smoking now prohibited on so many flights, airlines may face another problem: chewing gum.
107. Surprisingly, the 14-hour days worked by a 13-year-old are not prohibited by law.
108. This is a very popular spot for picnics, and cars are prohibited at the rest house.
109. However, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, firearms, pets and barbecue grills are prohibited.
110. Mink tissue also would be prohibited from feed because minks also can become infected.
111. Out on the stairs a piece of paper as worthless as Chamberlain's prohibited the use of body oils.
112. The proviso states that the Covenant does not require any legislation or other action prohibited by the Constitution.
113. As though it does not matter that half of humanity have been prohibited from realizing their potential.
114. The five were previously imprisoned from June until October 1990 for allegedly organizing a political party - all parties are prohibited.
115. The electric industry is prohibited from passing on the costs of environmental protection to the public.
116. Even heavy trucks and buses are prohibited; they are confined to the Shenandoah Valley on the opposite side of the mountains.
117. Tabai, who had been President since independence, was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office.
118. If you have a performance horse, be wary of prohibited substances.
119. Two recent federal cases upheld school policies that prohibited distribution in the hallways.
120. Bear in mind that cold cures and certain drinks contain prohibited substances that show up in a drugs test.