possessive造句61. A large praetorian bureaucracy, filled with ambitious, possessive. and often sycophantic people, makes work and makes trouble(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
62. This paper argues, instead, that there exists a semantic asymmetry between double genitive and possessive partitive constructions.
63. Double genitive and possessive partitive constructions have long been debated over in literature.
64. The second person came to the human world, have shown unusual the possessive and destruction.
65. Because of the over pursuit of the external determinacy, teachers are likely to adopt mechanical possessive preparation for lessons, which can hardly meet the needs of the present curriculum reform.
66. Your partner shouldn't be possessive and take up all your time and energy.
67. Although it seemed natural to use an apostrophe in the possessive plural, authorities, such as the grammarian Robert Lowth, argued against this.
68. It is because of this forcible possessive act that kamma is obliged to produce its results.
69. He sometimes felt as if the family's bolt was shot, their possessive instinct dying out.
70. My son is very possessive about [ of ] his mother.
71. Beware the know-it-all, possessive coder, and the inexperienced coder - Humble yourself when you meet these types of coders.
72. A phrase search on possessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 11.
73. Possessive personal pronouns are used to show ownership or possession.
74. All is due to heredity, early environment (Shame on those possessive mothers, those sex-segregated British schools!), arrested development at puberty, and/or glands.