civil service造句61. In October he announced negotiations to review all civil service wage and career structures dating back to 1946.
62. Edward was still living at home, preparing without a coach for the Civil Service examination.
63. The leading engineers and managers who were involved in these consultations often retained strong negative stereotypes of the civil service.
64. But the Bush budget seems less certain about the civil service.
65. In 1981 conflict over pay settlements led to an unprecedented civil service strike.
66. They were used to store such items as candles, dustbins and ashtrays for the Civil Service.
67. Certainly they now boasted insistently of the marital bliss of their daughter and the solid Civil Service progress of their son.
68. He came down with a First and started his civil service career in the humble surroundings of the National Assistance Board.
69. The proposed budget cuts would have affected housing subsidies, pensions, family payments and civil service pay.
70. He quickly met the inertia of a civil service used to forming and evaluating policy as well as carrying it out.
71. Her reservations about the senior civil service as a whole were well known in advance.
72. Like the steam engine, civil service was a valuable breakthrough in its day.
73. Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight.
74. In the civil service, for example, recruitment is dependent upon the selector's perceptions of: 1.
75. Some former students have taken up administrative posts in various public and private enterprises and in the civil service and local government.
76. Even civil service employees are subject to political pressures in the form of unwanted transfers, withheld promotions.
77. She was on her certain way into the civil service from the beginning.
78. This would be achieved through cuts in the civil service, the freezing of public-sector wages and the privatization of state enterprises.
79. The same principle applies to the civil service, where rank is determined in part by the number of employees one supervises.
80. Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view.
81. When governments reduce their numbers through layoffs, civil service employees with seniority can bump those with lesser seniority.
82. As for the civil service, it had to be cut down to the lowest level necessary.
83. Alix, I regret to say, did not take the Civil Service seriously as a prospect.
84. At that time I was a fervent believer in the civil service system.
85. Yesterday civil service union leaders complained that security staff had initially treated it as a hoax.
86. Veterans get five free points added to their civil service exam score; disabled veterans get an extra ten.
87. So the role of the civil service expands not merely because ministers are overwhelmed with work but because Parliament is also.
88. There were to be increases in civil service wages and in minimum salary levels.
89. The civil service accounted for almost half of total expenditure.
90. When the war began the civil service was expanded to cope with a multitude of new tasks.