快好知 kuaihz

31. The following is a paraphrase of what was said. 32. Paraphrase: Advertising lives all along with changing times. 33. Paraphrase the following passage into two paragraphs. 34. To achieve this, active listeners rely heavily on paraphrase. 35. Chinese-English mutual translations are not only the metaphrase or paraphrase on language itself, but more focus on the culture background of the language. 36. Otherwise, how can one explain why a man who could have nymphs, Bentleys, yachts, and everything money can buy opts for the "illusionary" – to paraphrase Marx – rewards of the hereafter? 37. The quote appears to be a paraphrase of John Stuart Mill, the 19th-century English philosopher of utilitarianism and liberty. 38. To paraphrase The Spectator's own motto, Vanity Fair is champagne for the soul. 39. The methods include the following four categories: transliteration, translation, adjustment and paraphrase. 40. Hence Mr Friedman's mistrust of independent central banks: "To paraphrase Clemenceau, money is too important to be left to the Central Bankers." 41. Paraphrase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words. 42. To paraphrase the late political scientist Samuel Huntington: Economic growth and industrialization usually lead to the creation of a middle class. 43. To paraphrase the satirist Tom Lehrer, it makes a fellow proud to be a banker. 44. Paraphrase: Consider the question if your life is counted by time. 45. To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, all that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing. 46. This note is taken as a paraphrase rather than as a direct quotation. 47. The study of paraphrase is about the synonymy phenomena of phrases or sentences. 48. To paraphrase, he said that in today's world a Eurocentric view of history is out of place. 49. In paraphrase of a member of Spinal Tap, a fictional rock band of stupendous awfulness, there is a thin line between clever and stupid. 50. The first is a paraphrase of a 19th century hymn by the English poet William Cowper ("God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform). 51. The following is a paraphrase of a cable I have today sent to General Eisenhower. 52. Then in the yellow light he'd point to pictures and paraphrase the news items. 53. The article was paraphrase Tao Lan in Vernal February form the feminine view. 54. Yes, commodity prices are up — but that's no reason to perpetuate mass unemployment. To paraphrase William Jennings Bryan, we must not crucify our economies upon a cross of rubber. 55. There are several approaches to translation as follows : paraphrase , adaptation, annotation contextual amplification and so on. 56. Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary. 57. To paraphrase Ecclesiastes, better to be a scarred and living dog than to be a dead lion. 58. To paraphrase the warning car companies engrave on side-view mirrors - objects in the mirror are farther away than they appear. 59. To paraphrase Thucydides, the realpolitik of zombies is that the strong will do what they can and the weak must suffer devouring by reanimated, ravenous corpses. 60. To paraphrase William Jennings Bryan, we must not crucify our economies upon a cross of rubber.