快好知 kuaihz

go along造句
91, If there is a local carnival every year, go along and enjoy the costumes and the general atmosphere. 92, Anyone interested in learning karate can go along to 35 College Street, or contact 616453. 93, What's more, when you move house, your bedroom furniture can go along with you. 94, It is a contradiction which thousands happily go along with because they are keen to advance up the social ladder. 95, If you've got bigger muscles and the will to use them, the others have to go along with you. 96, I had nothing better to do, so I thought I'd go along for the ride. 97, The countries in the region do not want Kosovo independence, and Washington appears to go along with that view. 98, It has all of the requisite sand, surf, sun, snobs and sin to go along with its saucy swimwear. 99, I put on a clean collar and go along, happy just to observe. 100, Your partner is also welcome, so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control? 101, Concentrate on the things you can do well within a reasonable working day, establishing the priorities as you go along. 102, He emphatically is not advocating parents to go along with kids' desires for tattoos. 103, A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal. 104, Other religious schools unwilling to go along with them should no longer expect state funding. 105, She wanted to be indulged in all this, and who was I not to go along with her? 106, They relied heavily on the readiness of the local aristocracy and gentry to go along with them. 107, We used to go along to various churches in the area playing music. 108, Why not go along with Luke's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink? 109, Neither Democrats nor Republicans in the House are likely to go along and the Clinton administration opposes both proposals as now drawn. 110, As always, play up your strongest points in the opening paragraph and refer to them as you go along. 111, Remember that you are bound to go along some passages that are dead ends. 112, Few initiatives succeed without improvising strategies as you go along. 113, They are paralanguage, sounds that go along with language. 114, We also go along with wooden trestle. 115, The practices are improvable , and in fact are improved as we go along. 116, P2: Yes, go along this road for about 100 meters until you come to the traffic light. turn right that's 5th avenue and Parcesun street is the second on the left. 117, You'll get more skilful at this job as you go along. 118, Amazon provides a wide range of infrastructure services to go along with EC2, which you can use to address issues like data reliability and backup. 119, Deliberation should go along with the atmosphere of freedom, equal and ratiocination, but these conditions need to specifically analyze. 120, Ashcroft got his Republican colleagues to go along with the smear because he thought it would help him and hurt Whites supporter Governor Carnahan with pro-death penalty voters in Missouri.