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limited liability造句
31. If you run your own business, you should consider a limited liability business entity. 32. Lam Soon Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong. 33. Article 37 The shareholders assembly of a company with limited liability shall be composed of all of its shareholders. 34. Referring to the other nations'law and jurisdiction practice, the civil liability of the arbitrators varies a lot, includes Absolute Immunity, Absolute liability and Limited Liability. 35. Public corporation, which is jointly owned by a multitude of shareholders protected with limited liability, is a major organizational innovation of vast economic consequences. 36. As an ideal pattern in modern corporation system, the limited liability company is a milestone in the history of modern corporation law. 37. Foreign - funded Leasing Companies shall be established as limited liability companies. 38. The Germany' different companies are regulated by the code of mercantile law, limited liability company law and stock law. 39. The amount of capital contributions made by all of the shareholders in currency shall not be less than 30 percent of the registered capital of a company with limited liability. 40. The process of equity succession involves the balance of interests among the corporation, the shareholders and the successor, which has important implications on the limited liability corporation. 41. A limited liability partnership is a relatively new form of business organization. 42. The company shall take the form a limited liability company. 43. Article 52 A company with limited liability shall have a board of supervisors, which shall be composed of not less than three members. 44. Its popularity, and the flight of capital to states with limited liability from those without, led most American states to follow suit. 45. Many small businesses are structured as "pass-through" entities, such as S corps and limited liability companies (as opposed to C corporations, as publicly traded firms are). 46. Improve transfer of share rights system will bring active influence to company of limited liability, and even to economy development of our country. 47. They are limited liability partnerships. These have full partners and limited partners. 48. Article 126 A securities company must have the words "securities company with limited liability" or "securities company limited by shares" included in its name. 49. Sichuan Pearl Electrotechnics limited liability company looking forward to serving you! 50. Unlike issue of shares, both joint stock limited company and limited liability company can issue debentures as long as conditions required by relevant laws and regulations are satisfied. 51. Our country new promulgation implementation "Law of corporation" already allowed to set up a human of limited liability company. 52. Such a company may not make investment for the incorporation of a new one-person company with limited liability. 53. Article 24 A company with limited liability shall be jointly invested in and incorporated by not more than 50 shareholders. 54. With the deepening of reform and opening up for the perfect modern enterprise system, Rugao Afterburning silk plant for conversion to private limited liability company. 55. But in the practice of corporation the deadlock must be common phenomenon because of the combination of the limited liability company's closure property and our cultural tradition. 56. Immediate company for Sinotrans ( Group ) Limited Liability Company, Zhejiang wholly owned subsidiary. 57. Article 51 Where a company with limited liability has a relatively small number of shareholders and is relatively small in scale, it may have an executive director instead of a board of directors. 58. It will be a company with limited liability addressed in Shenzhen Economic Special Zone of China..com 59. Company with Limited liability is an important corporate form on company law. 60. When all shareholders of limited liability withdraw as aforesaid, two or more shareholders of unlimited liability may, with unanimous agreement, reincorporate the company into an unlimited company.