do it造句(241) I warn them not to do it, but my objections were set aside.
(242) It might take him ages but he'll do it eventually.
(243) We need to win the next three games. It's a big ask, but I'm confident we can do it.
(244) When I was a boy, I was forced to have a cold shower every morning. I hated it but I just had to grit my teeth and do it.
(245) It's a bit of a cheek , asking me to do it for you.
(246) I'd like to do it but I don'tknow how to.
(247) The wedding is their show - let them do it their way.
(248) It's going to be expensive whichever way you do it.
(249) Drinking is OK as long as you don't do it to excess.
(250) Of course I didn't do it! What do you take me for ?
(251) Use a template or stencil or simply do it freehand.
(252) I tried a dating agency once, but got my fingers badly burnt - I'll never do it again.
(253) You must do the job yourself or else employ someone else to do it.
(254) I don't like driving; I do it simply because I have to get to work each day.
(255) Skiing used to be the prerogative of the rich, but now a far wider range of people do it.
(256) We rotate the night shift so no one has to do it all the time.
(257) I need to find out who killed Alf, and more to the point I need to do it before anyone else gets killed.
(258) 'I'll have to do it again.' 'Too right you will .'
(259) No one told me to do it - I did it of my own free will.
(260) I don't see why I couldn't do it. In any case, I'm going to try.
(261) I know you're just trying to help, but he won't thank you for telling him how to do it.
(262) I'm afraid she's the one person who can do it.
(263) I think she'll agree to do it but in any event, all she can say is 'no'.
(264) You might think that jumping out of a plane is easy, but when you do it for real, it's terrifying.
(265) You can hardly expect her to do it for free.
(266) I don't want any ifs and buts; do it at once.
(267) If you stop making excuses and do it you'll wonder what took you so long.
(268) Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now-I'm in a hurry.
(269) If you do it, you will be heaping up trouble for yourself.
(270) He burned his boats and was ready to do it to the end.